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if u could'v told me the truth

763 views. 2011-1-16 23:34

by the nite when u shocked me in the message, i already knew I should call off  this relationship, though I havent given any pledge to hedge our relationship. You said you being in dilemma in turning off the guys around you. just bcoz u dont wanna lost a god damned chance to make a friend, so i just blur in what you thinking, am i ever accured to u bitch ass when u keeping ur little stupid initial?  and when am hesitating whether u r gvin me a sign of brokrn up~~but ur clearance is somewhat quite comfort,  I understand that a group of friend can be girls and guys and even partially girls, so if you are keeping a stable standpoint, if you believe in loving me..what  da heck you scared ta face with the guys who chasing with you,,\   i really cabt bare your unstable standpoint in ur life, so i make a decision, a gownass man decision....lets back to the strangers.........................................................................................................................................................

Post comment Comment (4 replies)

Reply Daisy123 2011-1-17 08:27
Maybe this is ur finall decision,but seeing ur sharing of this artical I think u wanna receive many opinions about ur story from friends on Dio,right?
Dont give up an affection so easily!One should cherish his/her affection bcoz it is not so easy to establish.
Reply fundamental 2011-1-17 09:54
Daisy123: Maybe this is ur finall decision,but seeing ur sharing of this artical I think u wanna receive many opinions about ur story from friends on Dio,right?
I aint try ta wait 4 sum opinion~~but since u gave u 1~~my pleasure~~~my aim jus sharing only,,cz this experience is wad~~~
Reply Daisy123 2011-1-17 10:08
fundamental: I aint try ta wait 4 sum opinion~~but since u gave u 1~~my pleasure~~~my aim jus sharing only,,cz this experience is wad~~~
Reply rich 2011-1-17 20:24
so has she given you the dear john letter? or you've finally made this decision? in either case, if this relationship is not worth keeping, just let it go. there're plenty of fish out there in the sea, as the old saying goes.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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