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it is a long dark road you are headed down.

708 views. 2011-7-20 15:29

i was like:  thats not even his franchise, aite?    there he went: i rather back up my mind and wait for the dawn. I was panic enough to loss my calmness, why nowadays he suddently  turns into so casual minded like this, seems everything is well firm as the spring time. so I buzz off and peace out in another side of my handset.

I mean back in the days we used to had sum bustop on this subjects' matters, and it will last more than half and hours eventhought have no points related to our own life.

But what now, he become sentimental and wrap up everything complex so cool,,, i tear down for u man.

after i received your call b4 couple of nits, I really feel our friendship's been boilng up to a whole new degree u know, and I started to digest what m told me, just go with the flow alit bit u know. the boat wont have troubles on the ppl who are trying to acomplish sth that it trying to acomplish, AI got this word clear.

Post comment Comment (3 replies)

Reply shimizu 2011-7-20 15:51
,It is a bit difficult to understand.
Reply fundamental 2011-7-21 16:13
holla boy
Reply sunnyv 2011-7-23 18:06
Hi buddy. Honestly, I can't catch what you are trying to say here. Perhaps you could use common English so that most of us here can understand. Cheers.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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