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The Lost Generation(to my younger brother)

1742 views. 2012-6-28 22:56 |

Hey, boy
Do you know how long I haven't seen your smile? Your smile has been fading away these years. Now it disappears completely. WHY?

You were so active, talktive, and joyful in your childhood, just like a happy prince. You were always popular among people. You were so famous in our small villiage. On the contrary, I was only a "hidden" role. Many people knew you rather than me, they even don't know I am your elderly sister. What a pity!

While you were quite famous in hometown in the past, you are changed from a positive role to negative role now. You've changed MUCH. Two years ago, you dropped out of school owing to your breaking school rules. Several weeks later, Dad transferred you to another training school. Very soon, you quit it because of the same reason. It's obvious that you are fed up with study. Certainly, we didn't force to study.  Since then, you set foot on to society. We supposed you take an interest in other things. But, what a shame! You didn't know what to do either.  Dad arranged different kinds of vocational schools for you. But all his efforts were in vain. You didn't take it SERIOUSLY at all. Later on, you got a job by yourself, but you were often absent, because it was a tough job. You fell in love with a girl at that time. You took it seriously. And it did last for half a year or so, then you part. I know the break-up was a great blow to you.You drunk and surfed on the Internet over night and night. How should I give a comment? An idle or a black sheep?

Every time when you were pennyless, first you phoned to Dad and Mum. After you failed to ask money from them, you turned your attention to me. Sometimes I say No. I am just a student, I have no income. All my living expenses are from Dad. 

You are 18 years old. you are puzzled about your future. It's normal, but the problem is that you have no confidence in yourself.

Hey, boy. You don't know what to do, how can I lend you a hand.

Post comment Comment (17 replies)

Reply xuechengzhang 2012-6-29 10:32
time will change him,he will grow up.All is well later.
Reply lijuanandrea 2012-6-29 10:55
he left school too early, i have a friend whose situation was much worse than your little brother, my friend left school even earlier, he spent all the money he earned, and went to the cyber bar day and nights, then he turned to gambling and lost much money, later he lost, we cannot find him anymore.what should we do then?
Reply Flora.Q 2012-6-29 12:22
as sister,we should communicate more with our little brother or sister,maybe after this he or she will make some different choices
Reply raicy 2012-6-29 14:16
people change often.
Maybe you can talk to your brother patiently to care about what he needs. It is easy for us to make comments or even judgement about someone, but it is hard to really listen to others' hearts and to think in their shoes.
Reply fatty 2012-6-29 18:34
I don't know much about your brother, but in my view, your brother is in bad situation emotionally. As for you, there is no much thing you can do to help him. what you can do now is giving your patience to him or ask some other guys in your family to guide him out of this situation. You can complain about your brother, but never give up him or hate him.
Good luck for you and your brother.
Reply redapple2 2012-6-29 22:10
lijuanandrea: he left school too early, i have a friend whose situation was much worse than your little brother, my friend left school even earlier, he spent all th
Sorry to hear that. Hope he is fine.
Reply redapple2 2012-6-29 22:12
raicy: people change often.
Maybe you can talk to your brother patiently to care about what he needs. It is easy for us to make comments or even judgement ab
I can't agree more. I've tried to be patient with him, but he just kept silent and indulge himself into games and e-novels.
But I'll try my best to do that. Thank you for your advice.
BTW, long time no see. How are you doing now?
Reply redapple2 2012-6-29 22:13
fatty: I don't know much about your brother, but in my view, your brother is in bad situation emotionally. As for you, there is no much thing you can do to h
Actually my dad once wanna give up him, but I always ask my dad not to do that. I think he will have his bright future too.
Reply redapple2 2012-6-29 22:13
xuechengzhang: time will change him,he will grow up.All is well later.
I hope so.
Reply redapple2 2012-6-29 22:14
Flora.Q: as sister,we should communicate more with our little brother or sister,maybe after this he or she will make some different choices
Yes, communication is of great importance to solve problems.
Reply lijuanandrea 2012-6-30 09:15
redapple2: Sorry to hear that. Hope he is fine.
hard to lead them to the right way. may be he will change some day, just waiting for it.
Reply Flora.Q 2012-6-30 09:18
redapple2: Yes, communication is of great importance to solve problems.
Reply fatty 2012-6-30 11:13
redapple2: Actually my dad once wanna give up him, but I always ask my dad not to do that. I think he will have his bright future too.
Yeah, you should believe he is able to take control of his life. you should give him enough time and patient.
Reply Kimi011812 2012-6-30 11:37
Nice sister, I think u can find a time to have a long talk with him to reminding his childhood. Life could be totally different if he realised.
Reply raicy 2012-7-1 17:29
Honestly speaking, I am never a good sister to my younger brothers... 囧 It's easy for me to give advice but it's hard to make it...
Reply shirleyytt2010 2012-7-9 08:12
I like reading your articles, so good.
Reply redapple2 2012-7-9 14:26
shirleyytt2010: I like reading your articles, so good.
thank you!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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