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The Way of Education

1545 views. 2012-7-14 21:37

I was about to go far when suddenly I saw Kitty looking at me with her hands upon her chin at the balcony.As a matter of fact, I was plodding on my way. I wish I take her out to have fun. But how could I do it without her mother's permission. Maybe next time I can do it, but not now. The other day, I called her mom about Kitty. That day, I was checking Kitty's homework. Surprisingly, she did much better than before. And then, a sentence written by pencil attracted my eyes. "No matter how hard I've tried, I can never get any compliments from my parents. So all the efforts are in vain."Kitty wrote it by pencil in a corner of a page. To be frank, she's ever complained to me about her mother and too much homework. I didn't take it seriously, though. At the thought of Kitty's serious situation, I phoned to her mom soon. Hopefully, her mother is also friendly and understandable. As a mother, she is stressed out, too. Not only should she work at daytime, but take care of her daughter after work. Let alone the fact that Kitty is the only child of the family. 

I uttered: "Hello, Aunt Chen. I was just checking Kitty's homework. And I am surprised to find out that she really has made great progress, cause she got 8 right answers in total 10 items in Cloze. She's never done better than now." Aunt Chen answered merrily and urgently: "really? is that true? It's incredible!" "That's for real, you must be very happy!" I said joyfully. "But then when I went on checking, I saw one sentence written by her, that is"No matter how hard I've tried, I can never get any compliments from my parents. So all the efforts are in vain." Aunt Chen said with a worried voice: "I know, I know how does she feel. But I can do nothing except that. She won't have chance to go to university if she doesn't work hard. I am doing for her own good." I paused for a while, and then keep going. "but you know, she's tried hard, she once even cried in front of me. She is actually a cute and smart girl.What she needs most is your supports and encouragements."…

In the end, aunt Chen appreciated me and decided to change her way to her daughter. After all, she is her part of blood. The day before yesterday, Sun Zhengwen committed suicide by falling down from 6th floor on account of heavy pressure from both school and her parents. What a great tragedy! She is only 13 years old. It's high time that we reconsider our way of teaching and education. Otherwise, the same scene would play again and again.

Post comment Comment (3 replies)

Reply Kimi011812 2012-7-16 09:44
My younger sister (my aunt's daughter) are experiencing the same situation as Kitty, I tried to pursuade my aunt many times but failled, coz she believes that she has her own way to her kid.
Reply possible 2012-7-19 22:47
i believe chinese kid are the most intelligent in this world,but our edu kill it.greatly pity
Reply redapple2 2012-7-20 20:58
possible: i believe chinese kid are the most intelligent in this world,but our edu kill it.greatly pity
Yeah, I feel the same way. what a pity!
anyway, thank you for your comment.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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