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( 6672 ) Visits

  • examing…… Reply
  • The mood is not very good Reply
  • I don't know what to do Reply
  • a long time not come here…… Reply
  • I'm very tired Reply
  • Real NameMr zang
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1990 - 10 - 18
  • Birthplace河北 衡水
  • Residence北京 东城
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English 2011-01-13
  Recently,I'm learning English all the time.   My roommates all went home,only me and my classmates in the Advancing-class are he ...
(916) Views|(10) Replies
winter 2011-01-09
   Winter   comes   unconsciously ,   want to write something ,   the end of   last semester junior, 8,finished ...
(878) Views|(3) Replies
Wait for you 2010-12-29
Don't do consider also didn't stint hesitation I'll say this one I wait for you Your eyes flash across some surprise More doubts so you can leave ...
(853) Views|(0) Replies
little girl 2010-12-17
   A long time ago,a little girl wanted to find her future,she went to the mountains and asked the sky,"where is my future?" and just then,a ...
(1113) Views|(5) Replies
Recently 2010-12-09
   Recently,there is a long time that I don't come here to say some words.Near the final exam.Actually I didn't know what to do.There is st ...
(851) Views|(3) Replies

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xiaoquan 2011-5-30 15:05
zlp-coco 2011-3-19 14:52
kucci: hello
zlp-coco 2011-3-19 14:46
kucci: hello
whuan 2011-1-20 13:46
kucci: hey,girl!
O'Bright 2011-1-1 18:45
Happy New year.
Ivy-Eyre 2010-11-15 20:42
kucci: first one! ha
yaping 2010-11-11 11:11
kucci: Your popularity is very high.
Ur is not bad!
jeffyang 2010-11-10 10:51
more conversation videos -

What do you think of the videos?
Appreciate your feedback.
jeffyang 2010-11-10 04:47
There is a nice greeting conversation video in tudou.
Dily 2010-11-9 19:44
kucci: happy to see you.
me too.
yaping 2010-11-7 21:47
kucci: OK,I will.also come to my home.
yaping 2010-11-7 11:16
kucci: I just come here to see you!
Ember_li 2010-11-2 10:51
kucci: Hello,nice to meet you!
hi,happy to know you at here.
littleY 2010-10-30 00:31
kucci: hello,leave a footprint.
whuan 2010-10-29 20:34
I almost didn't recognize you,your english name is cool,and your looked very thin on the photo..haha..
O'Bright 2010-10-26 22:32
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