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  • How come here a big change Reply
  • Mind needs books just like sword need whetstone Reply
  • even though the breeze in my mind blows to you, I have to run upward. Reply
  • What kind of story is this? This question had been stiring in my mind before tonight. now I know this story is about American helped China to kick the ass of the Japanese. Reply
  •  Reply
  • Real Namejameson
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1981 - 10 - 21
  • Residence四川 成都
  • Relationshipmarried
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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Buffett’s annual letter 2014-03-03
Buffett’s annual letter: What you can learn from my real estate investments “Investment is most intelligent when it is most businesslike.” ...
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Tragedy: 20 Yong kids lost their lives on this Friday 2012-12-15
On this Friday, only a few days before the new year and Christmas, almost all Americans got to know this young man: Adam Lanza. Who is this Adam? ...
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My Sharing 2012-11-04
One of friends here have interests at my offshore life, though it is boring and tiring. I'd like to share my story, but this is really a tough thi ...
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Many things changed since I am gone from here 2012-11-02
It has been a long time not writing anything in this wonderful virtual world, and many have changed a lot. Dispute on Diaoyu Island is continuing, ...
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Occupational Noise Survey 2012-07-16
A listening test you may find useful to indicate sound levels is: 1. When the sound level is above 82dBA, you will find yourself having to shout ...
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snowflying 2011-11-20 20:14
you changed your avatar, hardly recognized,hehe..
Joanqtt 2011-6-16 20:52
Jamesonhao: seems you have a lot of homework, but don't forget to look for fun
hh,thank u.I think learning english is fun,And homework is just another form of learning english.
Joanqtt 2011-6-16 20:50
Jamesonhao: seems you have a lot of homework, but don't forget to look for fun
hh,thank u.I think learning english is fun.And homework is just another form of learning english.
Joanqtt 2011-6-16 20:47
Jamesonhao: seems you have a lot of homework, but don't forget to look for fun
hh, than u.But I think learning English is a  fun.And homework is just another form of learning English.
rachelzhaorui 2011-2-22 20:56
Jamesonhao: So glad to be friend with u. good luck to u, pretty girl
Thank u~ Very nice to meet here
JessicaMing 2010-11-12 12:35
Jamesonhao 2010-11-10 13:11
Not bad
jeffyang 2010-11-10 10:45
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