some words copied
1014 views. 2018-5-6 15:37
I found some sentences l still love when I was reading my notes. I havn't read them for a long time. My notebooks are lying in the box for about three years. How lazy I am these years! Finally I have time to read them again. I should continue to walk on the way of learning. Let me share some of the beautiful words to you.<div>when someone abandons you, it's him that gets loss because he lost someone who truly loves him but you just lost one who doesn't.<div>The most distant way in the word is not the way from birth to the end.It's when I sit near you that you don't understand I love you.</div><div>Please enjoy the pain which is unable to avoid.</div><div>Before you embark on a journey of revege, dig two graves.</div><div>Real freedom does not mean that you can do anything you want, rather you can reject what you not want to do.</div><div>The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; and the realist adjusts the sails.</div><div><br></div></div>