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Shares Village Life
2012-6-28 22:48
I have stayed at home for three days. I have to say east or west , home is the best. Mom cooks delicious for me every day. I am treated like a guest. Life in the country is really simple and quiet. Though it's still not as convenient as in city , it's not as hard as before now. All the hardworking ...
373 views|13 replies
Shares Exciting Feeling
2012-6-11 20:25
Summer vacation is coming. Wow, how time flies. I will go back home in two weeks. How excited I am. I haven’t been at home for more than a year. I really miss all in my hometown, especially my parents and my brother. Though I call them every week, I still want to see them as soon as possible. ...
1097 views|16 replies
Shares Keep a Peaceful Mind
2012-6-11 19:42
A friend told me she would visit me on Saturday and we planned to cook delicious food by ourselves for lunch, in the afternoon we were going shopping and having a picnic in the park. It was so good that both of us would have a same day off. Both of us were a little busy on weekend before. I wa ...
521 views|8 replies
Shares Resolution
2012-5-31 00:00
you need to know our dos and don'ts before you start your new day. If we clearly know what we have to do , we can arrange the things in order so that we can do them efficiently. I made my resolution to study hard years ago. But till now, i achieved nothing. I still stay where i am from.Noany ...
375 views|10 replies
Shares If you can dream it, you can make it
2012-5-28 23:19
Whenever I am available, I will read some blogs at Dioenglish. I think it is not only a way of learning English , but also it is a way of relaxing myself. I remember someone sa ...
657 views|9 replies
Shares Go off
2012-5-24 23:01
When i face a word or a phrase which has so many meanings , i tend to be confused by them. Today i leant 'go off' from new concept English.Can i use "go off" well? Today my alarm clock went off at six thirty as usual, but i ...
500 views|8 replies
Shares Manage Yourself
2012-5-23 22:54
Are you going to rust your mind? Are you really keen on Enlish? How much time do you spend on it every day? How do you spend your day?How could you be so stupid as to waste your time day by day? Why can'tyou manage your time? You have the same time as others, it's fair,OK?24 hours ...
416 views|6 replies
Shares Share Smiles
2012-5-15 12:08
I feel like sharing the beautiful artilce that i read today "smiles send us light in the darkness. smiles bring us warm sunlight at a cold winter day. smiles can break the hard ice. smiles are like the rainbow.the rain day ends and the sky is beautiful again. smiles show ...
444 views|3 replies
Shares Beautiful Sentences 3
2012-5-15 11:31
Share : "If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress Man might think that few women fit him before his marriage, and contrarily when they get married Everyone has his inherent ability which ...
379 views|3 replies
Shares Beautiful Sentences 2
2012-5-15 09:51
share: "I want to be strong enough that nothing can disturb the tranquility of my heart Getting angry is punishing oneself for mistakes of others. Forgive others, and relieve yourself. Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond ...
1108 views|3 replies

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