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You still need to go on

Hot 1453 views. 2023-1-5 20:03

Whether you admit it or not, there are some guys who are better than you are. You always find something which you cannot achieve would be some guys' piece of cake. More importantly, no matter how hard you try catching up those talented, you just realize it is impossible to get them. The world never lacks challenges and legends that you have to get used to it as an ordinary person. Then you notice that you should be humble and diligent that is because if you do not want to be far lagging from others you still have to be working hard lest being dumped by the society.

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Reply qianwen 2023-1-7 09:27
Be humble and keep going and you'll find that there is no need to compare us with anyone else.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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