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Tale of Winter

232 views. 2023-11-13 23:41 | tale, winter

In winter's hush, a new dawn unfolds,
A season's embrace, as tales are told.
Cooling anxieties, a soothing balm,
Nerves unwind in the season's calm.

Chilly days, in temperatures low,
Yet within, a warmth begins to grow.
Each day, a page in life's grand tome,
A story unfolds, weaving a home.

Winter, a character, bold and serene,
Completes the canvas, a tranquil scene.
Fulfilling life, a legend untold,
In frosty whispers, secrets unfold.

The world in repose, under snow's soft quilt,
A tune of silence, a tranquil lilt.
Nature's brush paints a landscape divine,
A masterpiece born in winter's design.

So let the frozen winds dance and play,
As winter guides us through its cold ballet.
In every chill, a promise anew,
A chapter of life, unfolding in view.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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