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how much progress we need to make everyday ?

Hot 12107 views. 2011-6-22 11:35

How time flies!I have entered into the real society for nearly 3 years since 2008 I graduated from university ,as if hard to imagine what have happed in my past 3 years,even if I can clearly memorize what I encountered  and what I enjoyed and encouraged.To some extent,I guess, maybe I am trying on purpose to forget something and remember something selectively.That all is by  instinct.But anyway,I have to confess that no matter I progressed or not,there is no any doubt that time is changing,my friends is changing,everything is changing naturally or intentionally.
Sometimes,as if there is a voice from the innermost part of my heart calling me that you need to be awake and can't be like this be honest,it is tormenting me time and time again.I can'r figure out whether everyone has the kind of troublesome and confused things,recently I am at sea and lost ultimately .I named it as the so-called worry of growing.
when it comes to my coming age of 24,a series of questions will brust into my mind,what my following life would be like,where is my finally destination?what I am pursuing on my way ?  I ever heard a proverb saying don't trouble trouble untill trouble troubles you.but now  I am troubling the trouble ahead of him .

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Reply sedgehead 2011-6-25 10:53
Life always moves quickly.  One writer calls it "future shock" because we are shocked that things change.
Reply 784Ivy 2011-6-25 11:12
sedgehead: Life always moves quickly.  One writer calls it "future shock" because we are shocked that things change.
Thanks your comment,my dear friend,Philip.I am Ivy,one of your students on skype class.Can you still remenber me? Haha,just now,I read through one of your newest blog entitled "more hints on learning English",I am deeply moved by the story of  Chen Da ,like you said he spent 18 hours a day studying English.  He made flash cards and practiced words constantly, from the time he woke up until the time he went to sleep.  Intense effort will yield results.  
Reply sedgehead 2011-6-25 18:48
784Ivy: Thanks your comment,my dear friend,Philip.I am Ivy,one of your students on skype class.Can you still remenber me? Haha,just now,I read through one of
Yes, I remember you, Ivy.  I still teach every week.  That's why I'm awake this morning early (your evening).  I start in less than an hour.  

English: use a space after a comma or period (and not before).

Yes, I really liked Da's book.  It is too bad it is not available in China, because he really does not criticize the government much.  He just says, "This was my life."  Maybe someday you can find a copy.  I'm trying to write my life story in Chinese (Windsong) and get it published in China.

Reply kiky668 2011-6-27 10:57
We are at the same age,24years old.I have entered into the real society for about 6 years since 2006.When i was graduate from school i have a dream that to be a successful businessman,but now it's hard to become true.society is reality,Reality very cruel.
Reply 784Ivy 2011-6-27 12:08
kiky668: We are at the same age,24years old.I have entered into the real society for about 6 years since 2006.When i was graduate from school i have a dream th
hi,gald to know you, my coeval.Yes,we have to confess the reality is competitive and cruel. But I think it will influence nothing, if we do have a steadfastly dream in our heart. good luck
Reply kiky668 2011-7-2 09:56
Yes,gald to know you too,this competitive reality tell us that If you want to have a happiness life,First you have to know how to adapt to the society,then you will have many chance to become more competitive.Success is for people who have already to do sth.
Reply lofee2759 2011-7-15 17:28
you are lucy and happy.
Reply bluephoebe 2011-8-5 11:43
i have the similiar problems for years, always driven by my inner insecurity. and it got worse along with advancing middle age. i guess we need to learn when to turn up the heat and when to relax and find peace with ourselves
Reply 784Ivy 2011-8-6 11:22
bluephoebe: i have the similiar problems for years, always driven by my inner insecurity. and it got worse along with advancing middle age. i guess we need to lea
Thanks your so kind sharing of your growing feeling and experience to me.I can't agree with you any more,as if it is just a process to develop ,when the matter passed by, then we look back upon what happened, you will consider it normally and maybe, to some extent, even be labeled as a piece of cake.
Haha,happy tanabata festival `````````
Reply Jamesonhao 2011-11-2 20:37
all the people have young age when they are curious and anxious about their future, which alway drives people to think of a lot, the life, career, marriage and even death. but would this be helpful? probably this is philosophy and we never know, but one thing is for sure that don't think of too much and get you lost, think of a little of time and go forward.
Reply smile22 2011-12-29 16:05
Hello, I am willing to become friends with you, nice to meet you.
Reply 784Ivy 2011-12-29 16:40
smile22: Hello, I am willing to become friends with you, nice to meet you.
Reply smile22 2011-12-30 08:28
Reply Jimmy621209 2012-5-31 17:54
Wow, How I envy you! I am 25 years old. But, in a larger sense, I annot struggle like you, i cannot control my free time to do something that i like. I am still a student in a university. We all have our dreams and fighting for it. I am glad to know you. Sometimes , when i down, i will try my best to build up my self-confident.To some extent, you are my predecessor, i can learn lots of things from you. This is a poem that i like it very much.I would like to share it with your . If by life you were deceived,don't be dismal , don't be wild! In the day of grief, be mild. Merry days will come, believe.Heart is living in tomorrow;Present is dejected here; in a moment, passes sorrw; That which passes will be dear. I undoubtedly believe that you will be a successful person in the future, if you never give up your dreams! Thank you!!
Reply 784Ivy 2012-6-7 15:50
Jimmy621209: Wow, How I envy you! I am 25 years old. But, in a larger sense, I annot struggle like you, i cannot control my free time to do something that i like.
Haha,my dear friend,actually,we are contemporary,because the essay was wrote last year.Life is a long long journey.No doubt we have different life track,you are so industrious and intelligent  to have the chance,to obtain further education and to enjoy the wonderful campus life.What a wonderful thing it is!It is so admiring.Unbelivable,I have worked for 4 years.
And much appreciate your sharing the poem,I know it is very famous in Chinese version.Wish you could live your dreamed life through your continuous dream pursuiting.
Reply Jimmy621209 2012-6-7 17:47
Wow, we are contemporary is my glory! You have worked for 4 years,however, i am still a consumer! It is my compunction! In my  opinion, you are a stager. Haha! No matter how, we should be responsible for our family and ourselves. You have done it!Thanks for your replies and best wishes for you!
Reply wo4chenkewen 2013-6-27 19:21
I wish that we can become friends.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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