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midnight in paris: what a treat. spoiler alert

2431 views. 2011-11-9 17:46 |Individual Classification:movie review|

I’ve always been an avid fan of woody allen since the famous classic Annie hall. It’s about the subtle, sharp and insightful observations of everyday life and those witty, smart, humorous lines that draw me in like crazy.  I recall even in how I met your mother, ted used to see annie hall as yardstick to measure whether he and his girlfriend-to-be can really click, get along and share interest and taste in common.  It’s pretty similar in the movie midnight in paris. Couples usually differ in small things, which may in return lead to major disputes and diversions in life, such as where to spend the weekend, whether to walk in the rain together, etc.  At the end of the day, these are not trivial matters, but rather a general reflection of the personality of the persons involved and their values, beliefs, mode of life at large.


Regarding personality and the way of living, we can say that “you are what you read”, just like the old saying, you are what you eat. It’s not in the limited sense of reading books but anything that you receive and perceive in life, such as information, ideas, pictures, gossip chatters and so on. Your world are made up of these bits and pieces, just like a piece puzzle, every piece defines and confines who we are and what we are.  Thus it suffices to say that each and everyone of us live in a distinctively different world in our own eyes.


The other day, I read an essay that talks about to be is to be in relations. The author claims that Shakespeare’s six words “to be or not to be” are the sole most famous lines in literature except the bible. According to him, the relations is also a broad term, not only about interpersonal relationships, but anything that connects people to the world, like the hobbies you practice on a regular basis, the news you read and pay attention to, the field your occupation and expertise are concerned with. If your mind only cares about the things happen in your small circle of friends, towns, workplaces, then that’s the narrow dimension of you. If you are interested in world affairs, golf, astronomy, poetry, etc, then that’s the scope that defines you.


However, back to the movie, although paul, the know-it-all “expert”, seems to be quite knowledgeable, but it does not necessarily mean he is a vast, abundant ocean as it seems to be, because it’s not merely about what you know, but your true passion and interest, and what you put your heart and soul into.


Another theme in the movie is about nostalgia, a universal sentiment. People tend to dwell on the past or a particular place a lot and always hold the assumption that their life will be much better if they were born in an earlier era, the alleged golden age in the glorious city, center of the world, whether it’s the renaissance, tang dynasty, or the 1920s in paris, so to speak. In some cases, it might be true, but the premise is that there is no hypothesis like this. Every minute counts and we should really focus on making the most of the present and heading to a brighter future instead of contemplating about the impossible, unrealistic thoughts.  although daydreaming doesn not hurt, but also helps from time to time.  But excessive daydreaming may backfire.  We are deeply rooted in this time and space of the cosmos and are destined to make our own way out of whatever circumstances we are thrown in.  


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Reply yaping 2011-11-9 19:26
Reply Kevin_z 2011-11-10 18:01
A thoughtful essay from your "subtle, sharp and insightful observations of everyday life" ! I've also had similar thoughts when I was watching movies or TV, but I rarely wrote it down, maybe because I'm not talented enough or passionate enough to describe it. But for the time being, the most encouraging sentences are "Every minute counts and we should really focus on making the most of the present and heading to a brighter future instead of contemplating about the impossible, unrealistic thoughts." I was a little down a short while ago, but now I'm getting better. Thanks for your perhaps unintended words.
Reply highfive 2011-11-11 16:53
Kevin_z: A thoughtful essay from your "subtle, sharp and insightful observations of everyday life" ! I've also had similar thoughts when I was watchi
thanks.  just some random, trivial thoughts on my part.   I also rarely wrote things down when it comes to movie comments or reviews, or anything else in general,  I guess that explains why I dont frequently update blogs here.

I was A LOT down these couple of days, really, but now I'm trying to pull myself out of the mire.   shake hands!    tomorrow is another day.  like the song feel good said, it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life,  and there's no reason at all why we shouldnt be feeling good about the world and ourselves.
Reply bluebird 2011-11-17 16:53
Travel our minds infinitely, and cover the road step by step.
Reply IMNONARCISSUS 2011-11-17 17:12
bluebird: Travel our minds infinitely, and cover the road step by step.
Reply highfive 2011-11-17 20:47
bluebird: Travel our minds infinitely, and cover the road step by step.
exactly!  recently a saying is also quite popular in weibo that, one should either travel or read,  cuz your body and your mind, at least one of these should be on the road.
Reply 2010jj 2011-11-17 20:47
I like to read what you write down.
Reply 2010jj 2011-11-17 20:49
By the way, I am not sure of the title--------- what a treat. spoiler alert.
Reply rich 2011-11-18 10:18
what insightful observation! i wish i could read or watch as much as you do. i agree that you are what you read or what you receive from the environment. one's living world can so different! just as Nick said, attitude is altitude.
life is short and precious. we do need to enjoy the present time and age. the past has gone and the future is yet to come, only the present truly belongs to us.
Reply highfive 2011-11-18 20:28
2010jj: I like to read what you write down.
thx.    by the way, in the title, I was just saying, the movie is quite a treat, especially the first few minutes of the splendid views of the city and all the references of the literature and artistic icons.   but I'm also afraid the blog will somehow reveal the plot about the movie, so it's better to alert people about that.   if they havent watched it but intend to and want to keep the suspence going, then they'better not read this blog, at least not before watching the movie, so~
Reply highfive 2011-11-18 20:33
rich: what insightful observation! i wish i could read or watch as much as you do. i agree that you are what you read or what you receive from the environme
thank you.  I also wish I'll have more time to read and watch things, absorb the good and valuable stuff like a sponge, but time and energy is always limited...

I couldnt agree  more.  as they always say, yesterday is history; tomorrow, mystery, but today is a gift, that's why we call it present, isn't  
Reply 2010jj 2011-11-18 20:35
highfive: thx.    by the way, in the title, I was just saying, the movie is quite a treat, especially the first few minutes of the splendid views of the city an
Thanks, I got it.
Reply corapaopao 2012-2-10 14:06
Just watched the movie. Love the color, the beautiful vistas and those woody allen styled lines. The protagonist's dream is exactly mine. The golden age thinking of 1920s fits my taste so well. Those writers, musicians, poets and artists made up a fantasy land, which can totally fulfill my imagination and daydreaming of that era. As you said, it's quite a treat!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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