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208 views. 2024-11-1 12:39

Right here I used to stay.
Now just back in dismay.
So flooded with sunlight,
Which is actually delight.

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Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-2 09:58
Journey delayed by mist.
And no road not to twist.
I did other thing instead
Till sunlight may spread.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-3 15:12
Must value my welfare.
Nobody is to take care.
As I’m just getting old,
I prefer health to gold.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-4 12:29
Adversity may bring hope,
If one tries wisely to cope.
First to have that attitude,
Just endure with fortitude.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-5 09:22
Chill wind from the west
Sends the earth a guest.
A true friend of the best,
Gives the chance of rest.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-6 08:47
Cycled home in haste,
Seemed to be chased.
Quickly it turned dark.
Like mouth of a shark.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-7 08:23
Once power seized by devil,
The situation will be critical.
Justice might soon collapse.
Then no innocence perhaps.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-8 08:40
Soft wind from the east
Signals cold has ceased.
Winter not quite hostile.
It just tries to reconcile.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-9 17:59
I just took a good nap
Within the warm wrap.
Could so quietly enjoy.
None came to destroy.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-10 17:07
The sky clears after rain.
At once I start out again.
Nothing can long remain.
Great loss and then gain.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-11 09:51
For life consists of time,
Killing it must be crime.
To exist long all pursue.
Waste may lower value.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-12 12:32
All hoped the death quick.
The dying refused to kick.
So now it was quite plain.
Any effort just be in vain.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-13 10:12
Finally he froze to death.
Cold took his last breath.
No doubt winter may kill.
It comes calmly and still.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-14 08:24
First impression often wrong.
Hard to discover before long.
We can't judge from outside.
It's unwise to quickly decide.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-15 10:11
It can be an ideal place,
Not far away from base.
Quite quiet and remote.
And no smoke will float.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-16 16:47
I turn to recall disgrace
I must endure and face.
So glad to harvest love
Of a female well above.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-17 14:32
The book a serious classic.
Not attractive but realistic.
I must read with patience.
It is benefit to conscience.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-18 09:06
The lady's sadness so deep
Moves the window to weep.
Gazing at tears down pane,
And she starts to cry again.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-19 08:26
Must first eat the cabbage.
Very hard for long storage.
I can oft open the window.
Keep the temperature low.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-20 08:22
Not use strategy but force.
That may cause great loss.
Taking history as a course,
To avoid possible remorse.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-11-21 07:58
The evil joy survives short.
She can't find a quiet port.
She overwhelmed by pain.
Then ends life under train.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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