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  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2023-5-29 10:29 (Comment)
    29 May
    Our green beans grow very fast. Today widely different from last. Frames are put up for the vines Along the parallel planting lines. 30 May Each d ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2023-3-10 11:07 (Comment)
    10 March
    He never saw the tyres before. And there are not any in store. I ordered, then paid a deposit. He'll shortly stock up some fit.


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-12-9 09:12 (Comment)
    10 December 2021
    They seem to be exempt from attendance, Being absent from posts at main entrance. As a partner, I have ensured my presence. Or else, I might feel a ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-12-6 08:55 (Comment)
    7 December 2021
    He should come to bid farewell. If he can't, anyhow I won't tell. On his doings I'd hate to dwell. Any bad mood I want to dispel.


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-12-3 08:36 (Comment)
    4 December 2021
    He will dip scallions in thick sauce When dining taken as side course. So if I deliver him such a present, He'll accept and may be pleasant.


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-11-28 09:25 (Comment)
    29 November 2021
    The sun beams penetrated the window. Our room got warm and bright in glow. This agreeable time flied like an arrow. Therefore I wou ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-11-16 08:26 (Comment)
    16 November 2021
    The seasons tend to get out of order. Early spring intrudes into chill winter. The earth seems to have had a fever. I doubt whether man could treat ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-11-15 10:00 (Comment)
    15 November 2021
    Snow on the road has melted away. I'm able to cycle freely again today. Dome looks azure rather than gray. What a magnificent natural display!


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-10-19 09:38 (Comment)
    19 October 2021
    Yesterday came down this year's first snow. Last night temperature dropped to 5 below. At dawn both ice and frost started to show. To human beings i ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-9-23 09:14 (Comment)
    23 September 2021
    For rainy weather we saw no moon. I wish sky could clear up very soon. The garden is saturated with water. If only onions had been got in ever.


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-9-15 09:32 (Comment)
    15 September 2021
    These are final good days of the year. Autumnal sky looks so high and clear. Leaves start changing color with fear. Very soon cold winter will set i ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-9-10 09:40 (Comment)
    10 September 2021
    Happy to receive gifts on Teachers' Day. I've been satisfied with my present pay. It's wise for me to have chosen the bay. Late father had ushered m ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-8-26 09:34 (Comment)
    26 August 2021
    The library is quite serene and clean. Noise is absent and smokers unseen. How fortunate I think to serve there! I long to hold the place until I r ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-8-16 11:53 (Comment)
    16 August 2021
    Weather of early autumn is temperate. The phase to the scholars is of benefit. In high spirits they can write and read. As late spring,this is refre ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-8-14 11:59 (Comment)
    14 August 2021
    Every night I watch a serial play, Which may often carry me away. I like very much its ending song. Darkness of fall is no more long.


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-8-12 11:09 (Comment)
    12 August 2021
    Autumn has been gloomy since ancient times. That may be shown by many famous rhymes. Prolonged showers deprive us of the sunlight. Bedrooms could tu ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-8-11 11:32 (Comment)
    11 August 2021
    On various cooked vegetables we're fed, So we reduce the consumption of bread. We'd like to have thick porridge instead. This can decrease heat of t ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-8-10 12:47 (Comment)
    10 August 2021
    More and more bungalows are deserted. The houses have for quite long emptied. Close to locked front doors grows grass. And just a few pedestrians te ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-8-9 12:35 (Comment)
    9 August 2021
    I hope there's a slight wind every day. It puts my cooking stove into full play. I can light a clean fire without dismay. No smoke smears my kitchen ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-8-7 12:28 (Comment)
    7 August 2021
    Every morning shortly after I awaken, I have a good look at the tiny garden. The dewy flourishing young cabbages Greet me and present so nice images ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-7-31 10:49 (Comment)
    31 July 2021
    We are obliged to last night's soaking rain. Vegetables and crops are refreshing again. And we should transplant young cabbages. This is one of im ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-4-8 08:38 (Comment)
    8 April 2021
    While viewing pictures in candlelight, I got sleepy and retired for the night. And I dreamed of a south rainy sight. Piping from a boat was just a d ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-3-12 08:25 (Comment)
    12 March 2021
    The fog was extremely heavy around. Things paces away couldn't be found. I pedalled on the very muddy ground. Cars moved over with warning sound.


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2021-3-11 08:13 (Comment)
    11 March 2021
    The misrule has come to an end. Soon a new principal will ascend. I think this an unavoidable trend, Which people might comprehend.













  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-11-19 11:46 (Comment)
    19 November 2020
    The rain turned to snow at night. All t he world changed into white. I found eaves wore an icy beard, Also transparent comb appeared. ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-7-7 12:24 (Comment)
    7 July 2020
    It’s a summer morning after rain; Under the line drops still remain. The air is moist, cool and refreshing. The sky is light b ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-6-20 10:39 (Comment)
    20 June 2020
    I failed to make the steamed bread rise. Cooking couldn't change the dough size. I deserted the old way trying otherwise. Use of yeast gave me a ha ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-6-12 11:09 (Comment)
    12 June 2020
    Climbs down the amorous soft breeze Flirting with roadside flowers and trees. Like a blanket extend the green fields; Such past ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-6-2 15:38 (Comment)
    2 June 2020
    To Childhood On the canal bank we made a slide, Smoothing it with mud and water inside. We slipped joyfully from top to bottom ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-5-31 15:38 (Comment)
    31 May 2020
    I'm ashamed of my bad performance In English speaking despite my diligence. It's due to lack of practice,I know. I must fill the gap for a better ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-5-8 09:45 (Comment)
    8 May 2020
    I owe you a great deal, Mr Wine, As the most devoted friend of mine. For my works you provide inspiration divine And make all o ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-5-6 10:52 (Comment)
    6 May 2020
    How can you bear his violence As wife with such great patience? Leave the villain devoid of conscience And try to seek a bette ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-5-3 10:50 (Comment)
    3 May 2020
    We ' re taught to be true. Mostly it would never do. We just in word hate falsity, Which benefits us in reality. ********* ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-5-2 10:54 (Comment)
    2 May 2020
    She looks younger than her years. The daughter of her husband it appears. The picture with her son causes fears Of his girl fri ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-5-1 11:56 (Comment)
    1 May 2020
    I wish to see the woods stand By the rivulet in my native land As when I left waving my hand. What tasty peaches grown in the ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-4-30 09:45 (Comment)
    30 April 2020
    When May Day holiday comes here, The pandemic still rages far and near, Which produces a tense atmosphere And sees no face ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-4-29 10:35 (Comment)
    29 April 2020
    Among the poets I know, The most attractive is Longfellow. Of his poems I only read a few, Which are like drops of dew ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-4-4 10:25 (Comment)
    4 April 2020
    Beneath the sky overcast The wind raised a mist of dust. It whistled round our bungalow, And suddenly came down flakes of snow. ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-3-22 10:53 (Comment)
    22 March 2020
    Some citizens began to ignore the danger That still lurks in the secret corner. They seemed to be a little bolder And thought ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2020-3-10 09:49 (Comment)
    10 March 2020
    Don’t stay up at night, Though it gives you much delight. Before your health falls from its height, You ' d better retire e ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-12-30 15:21 (Comment)
    30 December 2019
    In spite of lack of book learning, some people reach considerable success owing to their practical ability. Many scholars of brilliant intellectua ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-11-23 10:55 (Comment)
    23 November 2019
    By the end of yesterday the snow had almost melted away. And before dawn it began drizzling, I had to cancel my heading for the street going shopp ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-11-20 11:52 (Comment)
    20 November 2019
    I still remember in my early teens going to a neighboring village for school before dawn in winter and reading and writing there in the poor light ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-11-17 12:44 (Comment)
    17 November 2019
    The DioEnglish Home has been desolate for so long. The return of Mr Sed, a foreign member, after a protracted absence, gives me a pleasant surpris ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-7-18 12:28 (Comment)
    26 June 2019
    Parting after wedding 新婚别 The dodders twining round the fleabanes and the hemp could n o t have hoped their vines to gro ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-6-30 11:34 (Comment)
    21 June 2019
    As soon as I step in the front gate, I hear wailing with grief because my youngest son has died of starvation. 入門聞號啕,幼子飢已卒。 ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-4-16 13:12 (Comment)
    16 April 2019
    Not only I but also all my teaching counterparts are derelict in duty and run irrelevant business. 我是一个 ‘ 不务正业 ’ 的老师,不只我 ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-4-15 12:28 (Comment)
    15 April 2019
    The wage level of Chinese teachers ranks third from bottom in the world. If the situation continued, Chinese basic education system would collaps ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-4-1 23:10 (Comment)
    29 March 2019
    According to the latest news issued by the Departmentof Emergency Management, up to 18:30 today, the remains of all the 30 firemen outof contact with ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-3-23 17:02 (Comment)
    21 March 2019
    In 2009, Huang Ling, an examinee from Mianyang, was specially admitted to Sichuan University because he wrote his Chinese composition with the sty ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-3-15 13:32 (Comment)
    14 March 2019
    I favor the attitude to take it easy. I like the slow pace of life in the countryside. I hate to be urged to do something. I appreciate the saying ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-3-13 14:39 (Comment)
    12 March 2019
    A true healthy person has a sound mind and body. Most people only pay attention to their physical health but overlook the mental health. They try ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-3-5 12:17 (Comment)
    4 March 2019
    Recently according to some well ‐ informed netizen, Sister Straw Hat has been forced out by the authorities on the screen. 最近有网友曝 ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-2-27 14:12 (Comment)
    26 February 2019
    The past ideals of fame and position have lost their attractions to me. I never envy other people ’ s possession of wealth, beauties and power ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-2-25 13:53 (Comment)
    25 February 2019
    I ’ ve been absent here for a whole fortnight without writing diaries since mother came down with lumbago. She can’t take care of herself any mor ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-2-7 11:09 (Comment)
    6 February 2019
    Words of the song: 歌词: Have you ever heard that a girl had been to the stream that you are crossing? 走过那条小河,你 ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-1-14 23:51 (Comment)
    14 January 2019
    Abnormal winter weather, warm and snowless. Son will come back soon spending his vacation at home. Then I ' ll have less time to take care of ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-1-13 22:59 (Comment)
    13 January 2019
    Miss Yue - Sai Kan's mother 's views on success Whether or not a man has achieved success can be judged from three aspects in his last twenty y ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-1-8 23:54 (Comment)
    8 January 2019
    I ' ve been sleeping alone at the long nights seeing his features in dreams. 独宿累长夜,梦想见容辉。 He was still passionately in ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-1-6 23:55 (Comment)
    6 January 2019
    Began the annual further education on the net for us teachers. Toothache has been gone and now constipation has taken its turn as a result of ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-1-6 07:52 (Comment)
    5 January 2019
    The arrival of Lesser Cold marks the beginning the coldest days of a year. Saw the famous Indian film A Tramp again on TV by accident. It ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2019-1-4 23:41 (Comment)
    4 January 2019
    It would snow both on the morning and the evening in December in Qinling Mountains. The children started for school just before daybreak. The k ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-12-30 23:56 (Comment)
    30 December 2018
    The second day of the four - day New Year ' s Day holiday The cold weather continues and the daily temperature was forecast to g ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-12-26 23:19 (Comment)
    26 December 2018
    FAST is the abbreviation of the Five - hundred - meter Aperture Spherical Telescope. Located at a large karst pit in Guizhou Provinc ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-12-23 23:29 (Comment)
    23 December 2018
    Today learnt another frame - up in the TV program called Observation of Morality. The rescuer of a collapsed driver should have been falsely ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-12-9 23:52 (Comment)
    9 December 2018
    To keep warm is the most important matter in such ice - cold December weather. Mother’s hands have chapped with several cracks in ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-11-24 23:35 (Comment)
    24 November 2018
    It was reported recently that some wild Asian elephants frequented the villages near the primeval forest in Yunnan. They came just for food. All ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-11-23 23:56 (Comment)
    23 November 2018
    Nowadays some people raise money by degrading themselves. They seem to value cash above their dignity. It is unimpeachable to receive some gift ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-11-19 23:14 (Comment)
    19 November 2018
    Soon after I left school for home when I heard my phone ringing. It was a call from son. He told me he had given me a call a short time before b ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-11-19 00:00 (Comment)
    18 November 2018
    It is usually thought the relationship between mother - in - law and daughter - in - law is just as incompatible as fire and wat ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-11-13 23:40 (Comment)
    13 November 2018
    I ' ve known our school ' s night watchman, Mr. Liu, is a good cook. I wasn’t aware of his craftsmanship until yesterday when I saw him ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-10-31 22:23 (Comment)
    31 October 2018
    A good day. It was freezing cold early in the morning. I could see ice formed overnight outside and the muddy dirt path had hardened temporarily ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-10-21 23:58 (Comment)
    21 October 2018
    A 50 - year old single mother killed her 17 - year old son. How could this tragic event have happened? The juvenile had ganged up w ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-10-11 15:31 (Comment)
    11 October 2018
    In the surging waves of the sea a grain of sand is carried into a clam by accident. The sensitive clam feels the intrusion immediately and begins t ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-10-9 15:00 (Comment)
    9 October 2018
    On my arrival at school Mr W assigned me to remove the heaps of weeds in front of the south house on behalf of our principal. He said I needn’t c ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-10-8 15:39 (Comment)
    8 October 2018
    On my travel to school this morning I began wearing mygloves to resist the cold. I left the shaded chilly printing room where I usually stay alone a ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-10-4 21:46 (Comment)
    4 October 2018
    Now that son has left, yesterday we began preparing for removing the ashes and soot out of the flues of the kang today. First I moved the quilts and ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-10-1 23:49 (Comment)
    1 October 2018
    The first day of National Day holiday, good sunshine followed the heavy rain last night but a little cold in the early morning. It gradually got ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-9-29 22:54 (Comment)
    29 September 2018
    Asked permission for going to school late in order to draw some money from the bank. I don’t want to see him go empty - handed after spendi ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-9-29 06:39 (Comment)
    28 September 2018
    It cools down further when overcast or rainy. The sunshine becomes lovely and expected. The room I stay in alone at school gets a little cold fo ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-9-23 23:51 (Comment)
    23 September 2018
    Today is the 16th solar term, the Autumn Equinox. Just like the Spring Equinox, the daytime equals the nighttime in length on this occasion when ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-9-20 00:25 (Comment)
    19 September 2018
    My sanitation work came to an end abruptly. This morning on my arrival at school Mr W greeted me as if to assign some new task to me like cleani ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-9-12 21:52 (Comment)
    12 September 2018
    The forecast thunder showers came late in the morning. I had to suspend my transportation of the corn stalks today. There is still a trike load ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-9-10 23:52 (Comment)
    10 September 2018
    Teachers ' Day All teachers and students left school for home after lunch. Recently every lunch at school we have been offered cook ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-9-8 23:55 (Comment)
    8 September 2018
    Late wife ' s sister came over towards evening in spite of my stopping her in advance. She puts up at the bungalow with mother. I offered he ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-9-7 23:55 (Comment)
    7 September 2018
    Yesterday seeing the weather sunny and the workers gone after finishing the reconstruction of the enclosing wall next to which the heap of my co ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-9-6 23:55 (Comment)
    6 September 2018
    The second day I obey the call of duty as a sanitation worker. I daren’t neglect my duty. I did cleaning outdoors as long as possible. I worked ma ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-9-5 23:51 (Comment)
    5 September 2018
    Mother strongly opposes me to lend the large sum asked by late wife ' s sister the other day. I agreed to her request on the phone without any hes ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-9-4 23:50 (Comment)
    4 September 2018
    A change of my job Just before the third period Mr W hinted to me he would have a word with me as soon as I was free. Somehow I had a pre ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-9-1 23:51 (Comment)
    1 September 2018
    Today is the twenty - second of the seventh month by the lunar calendar, the Birthday of the God of Wealth. Early in the morning, I first he ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-9-1 08:16 (Comment)
    31 August 2018
    My terribly aged mother went to the market alone in my absence for purchasing a reel of thread for sewing. When she told me that later, I could ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-8-28 23:55 (Comment)
    28 August 2018
    After I grew up, I worked hard for my ideal And gradually ignored parents and home. Now I ' m seemingly acting in a play, ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-8-24 06:51 (Comment)
    23 August 2018
    I postponed finishing my diary yesterday until now because it had been too late at night when I returned to the flat and moreover I felt a littl ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-8-12 23:46 (Comment)
    12th August, 2018
    Yesterday we were informed on the WeChat to start working tomorrow as expected. This morning Mr N, our vice - principal, phoned me for the s ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-8-6 23:56 (Comment)
    6th August 2018
    Tomorrow is the Beginning of Autumn. It marks the end of the heatwave and the start of the cool weather. It ' s time to put the fan away. ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-8-2 00:43 (Comment)
    1st August, 2018
    I have been stripped to the waist recently when I am at home. But today was different. I was greeted by the cooler wind coming through the opene ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-7-13 00:47 (Comment)
    12th July, 2018
    When I was young, I was ambitious. Now in my fifties, the ideals and hopes in the past seem to lose their temptation. I ' ve achieved nothin ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-7-12 00:52 (Comment)
    11th July, 2018
    Just before evening the No. Four Middle School began setting off firecrackers in celebration of its achievement in senior high school and colleg ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2018-5-4 15:58 (Comment)
    Scent of a woman
    Yesterday as I approached the old elm in a high wind near my home, a few bundles of deserted clothes by the roadside attracted my attention. I got d ...
















  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2016-4-20 16:30 (Comment)
    Spring in northland
    The spring in northland comes late and soon is cut short by the longer hot summer. The first sign of it is the gradual rise of temperature. ...







  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2015-1-10 22:01 (Comment)
    A rubbish hole
    A rubbish hole was dug recently at the dump in our neighborhood. In the past when winter came, a high mound of garbage could be seen there, surr ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2015-1-7 22:20 (Comment)
    A slick taxi driver
    Mr. Zhang, one of my former colleagues, works as a night watchman at the central school. He drives a taxi by day on the side. This morning I hired ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2015-1-1 21:49 (Comment)
    New Year’s Day
    The best time of the day is around noon when we can enjoy warm and bright sunlight both in our flat and bungalow. After 9 am I went to second ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-12-31 11:24 (Comment)
    Winter vacation
    Winter vacation arrives at last. From today both my bike and I can take a good rest at home over a month. The hideous commuting and work has come t ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-12-29 22:58 (Comment)
    The coal given by brother has proved very good. At first both mother and I didn’t think it would burn better. Compared with the egg - si ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-12-28 22:59 (Comment)
    Skeleton keys
    We are getting more and more insecure in this world. There are almost no secrets that can be kept. The other day I learnt on TV that the commo ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-12-24 23:16 (Comment)
    Green in winter
    Mother never idles away her time. She always occupies herself with something. One day she saw Ms Zhang planting some dry Chinese onions. She f ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-12-23 23:09 (Comment)
    A secluded room
    I hate to stay in our office because it is usually smoky and noisy. In warm and sunny days I would go outside if I had no classes. But as the ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-12-22 21:46 (Comment)
    My subconscious
    Now and then I dreamed of a steep slope looming on my way. It was nearly vertical and impossible for me to climb. But I saw others beside me go ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-12-19 21:44 (Comment)
    Benefits of winter
    Winter really does us good in many aspects provided we keep ourselves warm in the season. First, the days get shorter and so our working hours ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-12-11 22:05 (Comment)
    A season for rest
    From an agricultural point of view, spring is for germination, summer for growing, autumn for harvest and winter for storing. I think winter ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-12-5 22:21 (Comment)
    A tormenting night
    Yesterday evening when I returned to my apartment from mother’s, I felt I was nearly on the verge of collapse. So I went to the bedroom and l ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-12-1 21:39 (Comment)
    Effects of snow
    The snow fallen yesterday produced both good and ill effects. First, let me list its beneficial effects. It helped the winter temperature return t ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-11-25 22:49 (Comment)
    Trust answered
    The other day I happened to be attracted by an item of TV news. The people involved set a good example for the public. One night a jeweler fou ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-11-21 21:25 (Comment)
    The rain in winter
    Yesterday afternoon a shower came down as forecast just before school was over. The sky darkened as if evening had arrived in advance. The lig ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-11-15 22:26 (Comment)
    Unexpected result
    Today in the competition of the couple dance opera of the adult group, No. 2 duo won in the third round of contest on talent and skill by singin ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-11-14 22:39 (Comment)
    Social relief fund
    A short time ago I knew on TV that a relief fund will be established for the needy people. The people in extreme poverty or acute financial di ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-11-13 21:49 (Comment)
    Native accent
    Having lived in northeast for thirty - five years, I still talk with mother with the accent of our native village at home. After so long a time ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-11-12 22:36 (Comment)
    Arrival of winter
    Freezing cold winter comes at last. Last night the minimum temperature dropped to minus 9 degrees centigrade. The light snow falling this morn ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-11-10 22:16 (Comment)
    A warm winter
    This winter seems warmer than the past ones. Last night the minimum temperature had been forecast to fall to 2 ℃ . So I could avert coveri ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-11-9 22:24 (Comment)
    The stone roller
    Recently I began to yearn for the stone rollers in my native village because it costs too much here to grind the corn and the sorghum into flo ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-11-7 16:29 (Comment)
    Gain without pain
    I’ve planned to write a diary in English each day. But sometimes I could hardly find any topic or materials to focus on even though I racked ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-11-5 21:52 (Comment)
    Folly to remarry
    It’s foolish to remarry for a widower. This has been proved by some cases in our neighborhood and those I knew through the media. I wonder why a ...






  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-10-29 23:16 (Comment)
    Change the lock
    Brother replaced the old lock on the inner side of our house door with a new one of the same size and type. Yesterday he had the key of the ho ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-10-28 21:43 (Comment)
    Flaws of our school
    The mid - term exam began today for the pupils of the middle school and the primary school. I was sent to the Sunjia school as a supervis ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-10-27 22:20 (Comment)
    Records of trifles
    I’ve been absent here for nine days for I was busy recently. During this period, I never turned on my computer because when I returned from mo ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-10-17 00:00 (Comment)
    The snapped chain
    The day before yesterday one of the links in the chain that drives the wheels of my tricycle snapped suddenly on my way back. The next day I we ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-10-14 22:48 (Comment)
    Son’s strategy
    Son doesn’t stay up late for study any more. Once he turned a deaf ear to my suggestion to keep early hours. He said almost all his classmate ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-10-10 23:54 (Comment)
    When we are faced with problems, we should first try to solve them by ourselves although it needs more time than seeking help. Self–confidence is ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-10-10 00:04 (Comment)
    Golden leaves
    This morning I went to school under a sky the color of dust when a strong wind was blowing. It seemed to rain as the forecast had said. The ro ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-10-8 23:47 (Comment)
    A short cut
    Today I took the dirt road across the field to and from school, which turns hard and smooth in the harvest season with the exception of rainy d ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-10-6 22:21 (Comment)
    The sick cabbages
    Our cabbages in the garden seem to have come down with something. First, the top parts of their leaves began to dry. Then some exterior leaves ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-10-1 22:13 (Comment)
    Popcorn maker
    The other day I spotted a new kind of popcorn maker at a bus stop in Changchun. What it was strikingly different from the old–fashioned ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-9-27 21:28 (Comment)
    Scraps of life
    Yesterday evening on my return to my apartment from mother’s bungalow, I never felt so tired and sleepy that I lay down on bed taking a rest wi ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-9-19 22:33 (Comment)
    Balance the losses
    Today nephew ' s wedding came off satisfactorily. The weather was fine, sunny and windless. Brother ' s house was beautifully decorated with ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-9-18 23:33 (Comment)
    Nephew’s wedding
    Nephew’s wedding is to be held tomorrow in the Hongfu Hotel. Since the date of the wedding was fixed after the engagement ceremony, brother and ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-9-10 22:24 (Comment)
    Teachers' Day
    Teachers ' Day was coming; as a teacher, I should have been unaware of that. After three days off, yesterday at school I heard headmas ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-9-8 21:11 (Comment)
    Silent reading
    Silent reading, as a fascinating scene, has almost vanished from the view of the public. Good books are ignored to stay on the shelves wi ...






  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-31 23:57 (Comment)
    Chinese sorghum
    Mother grew some sorghum in the slip of field left outside the hedge of our backyard last year. After threshing it, she gave the grains t ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-30 22:47 (Comment)
    Thunder and rain
    Late in the afternoon it turned cloudy and seemed to rain. I began to take into the shed or house the things dried outside and cap the ja ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-28 23:28 (Comment)
    Costly growing
    Last Thursday our school chief hired three hands at the cost of 300 yuan to remove the dead stalks of potatoes with other wild plants fro ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-27 22:33 (Comment)
    Smoke suckers
    Bordering our housing estate gate are several barbecue restaurants opened side by side. Recently the restaurateurs each have installed a s ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-25 21:28 (Comment)
    A late coming rain
    I was woken up by the shower at the second half of last night. I got out of bed immediately to close the windows. Rains had been forecast ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-22 22:59 (Comment)
    One ' s temper is connected with his position, ability, virtue and reason. Generally speaking, the higher one ' s position is or the ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-20 20:57 (Comment)
    As the saying goes, one should reflect on himself three times per day for self - perfection. I think I have been staying up too late ev ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-18 22:38 (Comment)
    God of Fortune
    Yesterday was the twenty - second day of the seventh lunar month, birthday of God of Wealth. I did not realize it until the explosions ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-18 00:57 (Comment)
    Bus services cut
    Usually there were many shuttles between our town and Changchun. Every day at both ends at least one bus could be seen getting ready for ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-16 00:33 (Comment)
    Invincible nature
    Our region is suffering a serious drought. As a result, the leaves of the lower half of the corn stalks have become partly dry and wither ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-14 23:21 (Comment)
    Pay the milkman
    Tomorrow we are to pay the milkman who will have delivered milk up to us for 32 days. Mother ordered milk on July 15 when she saw one ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-12 23:51 (Comment)
    A marked change
    Our headmaster drove to school some time after my arrival. He had gone to the Central School to meet a new teacher assigned to our school ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-9 01:26 (Comment)
    Everyone has his own secrets that he wants to keep even from his closest friends or partner or parents. Once the secrets are given away, ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-7 00:15 (Comment)
    A sexy lady
    With the Hungry Ghost Festival approaching, I ' ve been helping brother with selling sacrificial paper for a few days. The other day I ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-5 23:27 (Comment)
    Fried peanuts
    Son ' s breakfast usually consists of porridge, steamed bread, a boiled egg and fried peanuts. The peanuts brought over by first elder s ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-5 15:21 (Comment)
    The fall of English
    As a must in all sorts of exams, English has ever been taken seriously for so long. Teachers, students and parents tended to overemphasiz ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-8-2 16:22 (Comment)
    Delivery of meals
    I am acquainted with the problem son is faced with at school. The school canteen offers no meals at weekends. He has to dine out, which ca ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-7-31 00:05 (Comment)
    Work in the sun
    The other day as I passed the west enclosing wall of the Central School I saw a forklift truck clearing the dirt clinging to the higher b ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-7-26 23:35 (Comment)
    Reform on pensions
    Late this afternoon I happened to get the information about the reform on pensions of employees of public institutions when watching TV new ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-7-25 22:46 (Comment)
    Daily trivialities
    1 ) Early this morning I received an unwelcome call from one of my former colleagues who invited me to a banquet held in a few days fo ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-7-23 22:53 (Comment)
    A visit to wife
    The day before yesterday I went to the Undertaker ' s in Changchun with son, where wife ' s cinerary casket has been deposited, for th ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-7-21 21:18 (Comment)
    Dog days
    The first period of the hot season has begun. The daily temperatures went up so high from late morning to early afternoon that it was unb ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-7-18 21:23 (Comment)
    A soaking rain
    It rained heavily yesterday morning and afternoon, which brought an end to the prolonged drought. Mother watered the vegetables almost eve ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-7-16 21:47 (Comment)
    Keep a promise
    Yesterday I took son to the clinic opened by Doctor Wang, a retired surgeon from our local hospital. The clinic is located in the front b ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-7-8 21:56 (Comment)
    My ageing teeth
    The back molar of my lower teeth on the right decayed in my twenties. I had its cavity filled twice in our local hospital. Before long it ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-7-5 21:57 (Comment)
    Kept in the dark
    I did not know that we were not going to school today as planned. Yesterday I was sent to the Central School marking the exam papers of G ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-7-4 23:28 (Comment)
    Leaks of our pot
    As I was preparing supper at dusk I made an unhappy discovery that our cooking pot is leaky near the bottom. I saw the fire beneath throu ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-6-26 00:19 (Comment)
    Nephew's fiancée
    She ' s tall and slim, running a restaurant with her father by the lake situated about five kilometers southwest of our town. The lake ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-6-23 00:02 (Comment)
    Pepper powder
    The pepper powder in the kitchen is nearly used up. This afternoon I produced the peppercorns bought long before, drying them in the sun. ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-6-21 23:57 (Comment)
    Summer Solstice
    Today is the Summer Solstice, the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere. Up to now no swallows come to settle in the nest under the prot ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-6-12 23:22 (Comment)
    Waiting needed
    Just before school was over a clap of thunder broke suddenly outside. In the meantime dark clouds could be seen gathering in the sky. It s ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-6-10 23:40 (Comment)
    Today's lunch
    I think today ' s lunch was better than any other day ' s. The rice has always been cooked with too much water. This can save grain fo ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-6-8 22:42 (Comment)
    A sleepless night
    Three decades ago on July 7, 8, 9, 1984 I took part in the College Entrance Examination after finishing a two - year study in a high sc ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-6-7 21:44 (Comment)
    Bean curd
    These days the bean curd sold in a car has lost a lot of its former customers despite its unchanged high quality. As more and more cheap ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-6-6 21:25 (Comment)
    Due in a year
    Son returned home early this morning because his school will be occupied as a test site during the national college entrance exams tomorr ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-6-4 23:01 (Comment)
    Traffic suspended
    The road was almost closed to traffic after being repaired at the bridge not far from school. Only cyclists and motor - cyclists could p ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-6-2 23:19 (Comment)
    On able women
    Nowadays more and more capable women have distinguished themselves in many fields. Some career women ' s achievements even surpass those ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-6-1 22:51 (Comment)
    Rice dumplings
    The other day mother had bought some dates and glutinous rice for making dumplings for son on the Dragon Boat Festival. Now son has come ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-6-1 15:59 (Comment)
    A sigh in summer
    Flies come with the hot summer. After lunch I was urged to help brother clean the rails removed from the outside windows. They will be fi ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-5-30 22:33 (Comment)
    Summer is here
    The celebrations concluded towards noon. It was hot. The presidium on the rostrum suffered from the scorching sun for so long because it w ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-5-28 21:22 (Comment)
    Disquieting hours
    On the morning last Sunday I had been on guard alone for two hours at school. This was the first time I have realized a heavy responsibil ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-5-27 00:21 (Comment)
    Unusual means
    As the bus arrived at its terminus near the railway station I alighted from it with all the other passengers. I headed for the No. 280 Bu ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-5-25 23:55 (Comment)
    Thunder showers
    Today thunder showers came down as predicted. Such weather will continue tomorrow. This morning I cycled to school for it was my turn to ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-5-20 23:44 (Comment)
    Frequent rain
    It was forecast overcast tomorrow and then sunny the following day. The long spell of rainy weather will come to an end in our region. The ...






  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-5-10 00:40 (Comment)
    Rewarded waiting
    I found that something we desired would be within our reach sooner or later. It ' s unnecessary to look for or seek after it immediately ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-5-5 23:48 (Comment)
    Thank heavens
    Yesterday when I was on my way to and from school the rain happened to be suspended. But the night before and during my stay at school it ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-5-1 00:15 (Comment)
    Summer is coming
    Tomorrow son will come back to spend his Labor Day holiday at home. The fruits put away in the refrigerator over a week can be consumed a ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-4-16 23:16 (Comment)
    My changed voice
    I caught cold last weekend when I was digging up corn stubbles behind our backyard. It was around noon and I felt hot and took off my jack ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-4-15 22:44 (Comment)
    Plant potatoes
    Yesterday some of my colleagues had been busy cutting potatoes into pieces as seeds. This morning as I arrived at school the planting had ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-4-11 00:00 (Comment)
    Early spring
    The plowing season has arrived despite tha fact that I am still in winter wear . New grasses have sprouted extensively. The trees are u ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-4-7 22:59 (Comment)
    Son's homecoming
    I didn't know son would come back on Tomb Sweeping Day before second elder sister told me when I phoned her to express my opposition to t ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-3-30 21:53 (Comment)
    Son's concern
    Yesterday I received a phone call from son in which he asked about my injured foot and his grandma. This was the second time he has speci ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-3-29 01:00 (Comment)
    A moderate rain
    It was nearly seven o ' clock when I woke up this morning. Pulling the curtain aside, I saw it was raining hard outside as forecast yes ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-3-21 23:15 (Comment)
    Sleep by day
    I haven’t slept by day for a long time. During these recent three days, however, I took a nap every afternoon at our quiet and warm apar ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-3-18 22:30 (Comment)
    A joy to listen
    We can be entertained by watching TV dramas and comedies. The funny talks and performances often bring us great joy. If you are a careful ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-3-15 23:15 (Comment)
    A lesson to me
    The other day I was badly hurt when attempting to tame the boy making trouble in class. The circumstances of the injured toe deteriorated ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-3-13 23:07 (Comment)
    Repent my folly
    This was the third time the big toe of my right foot has been wounded. The first was by kicking son and I suffered pain for several days. ...






  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-3-2 22:46 (Comment)
    Head for happiness
    The other day I watched with mother the TV program named Head for happiness in which we learnt the story of an unusual unmarried couple i ...











  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-2-10 23:01 (Comment)
    A coincidence
    At noon tomorrow son will come back from Dalian where he has been staying for nearly a month. Today was the first day of our new semeste ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-2-7 22:06 (Comment)
    A futile attempt
    Since its protest and demonstration was put down, the outlawed organization Falun Gong has never stopped its activity against the governm ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-2-3 21:55 (Comment)
    A midnight crash
    Soon after I lay abed for sleep last night, I suddenly heard a crash in the sitting room. I got out of bed immediately and rushed to the l ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-1-30 21:33 (Comment)
    Spirited mother
    We have omitted to paste spring couplets for three years running since wife ' s death. Before that, I had been enthusiastically writing ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-1-28 23:16 (Comment)
    Chat with parents
    Just now I read a mother ' s letter to her son on the net complaining that her child would rather occupy himself in watching TV and com ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-1-24 21:46 (Comment)
    Manual labor
    The large logs I had brought back from the roadside last spring needed to be sawn and chopped into small pieces as firewood to light our ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-1-21 23:43 (Comment)
    A great success
    Mum has been enthusiastically making steamed bread of maize and wheat flour for several times recently. We gleaned many ears of corn in th ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-1-20 21:18 (Comment)
    A welcome snow
    There had been no snowfall for so long since the disastrous period of snowy weather last semester. At dusk yesterday it began to snow as ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-1-17 06:41 (Comment)
    The day before yesterday I felt some pain in the lower gum on the right. The innermost molar nearby has been decayed. From the night the ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-1-15 21:43 (Comment)
    See son off
    At dawn yesterday I accompanied son to Changchun Railway Station seeing him off to Dalian. He had stayed at home for a week since the begi ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-1-7 21:06 (Comment)
    News items
    1 ) A motor - cyclist was framed to have knocked down an old man by his family after rescuing him. The rescuer chose to commit suicid ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2014-1-3 22:36 (Comment)
    Exchange daughters
    There was a custom in my birthplace which came into being for the difficulty of marriage. When a family had one son and one daughter at t ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-12-28 22:32 (Comment)
    A rescue operation
    On the morning of 26 December, hearing the cry for help from a lady dragged under one of the wheels of a bus, one hundred odd passers - ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-12-27 22:53 (Comment)
    Winter vacation
    Our winter vacation began yesterday. It ' ll come to an end on February 10. I ' m to accompany mother to our county town having her fi ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-12-26 23:11 (Comment)
    A seat offered by force
    让座或者不让座,每天都在我们的身边发生。在江苏常州 93 路公交车上,一名女子抱着小孩却无人让座,司机无奈停车 7 分钟!最终一位中年男子让出座位。 ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-12-25 23:02 (Comment)
    On Christmas
    Christmas arrives again. Several of my colleagues received some fruits from the pupils who showed their love and respect on this occasion ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-12-23 23:47 (Comment)
    Deserted babies
    南京社会儿童福利院的弃婴岛(正式名称为“婴儿 安全岛 ”)自 12 月 10 日启用以来,几乎每天都收到弃婴,而据该院工作人员称,最近几日更是有外地的父 ...







  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-12-16 21:25 (Comment)
    To show off
    That a person demonstrates his ability frequently before the public lies in his lack of self - confidence or his desire to be known quic ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-12-15 22:51 (Comment)
    On forbearance
    If we can get peace in return by making some concessions, why not try to do so ? My life experiences and some tragic cases learnt on T ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-12-9 21:03 (Comment)
    Ask and be asked
    Confucius once travelled from state to state putting forward his proposals to the kings on administration. But no ruler accepted his offe ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-12-8 23:15 (Comment)
    On remarriage
    With regard to the divorced people and those whose spouses are dead, it is their right to marry again. But the remarried couples may be f ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-12-6 23:10 (Comment)
    Smoking and drinking
    Smoking and drinking are very popular among men and women nowadays. They are necessary on such occasions as parties, weddings, funerals and holi ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-12-5 23:19 (Comment)
    Pleasant dreams
    I often dreamed of my late father and wife when theycame back to life always. On these occasions, I would be perplexed to see them alive. Fat ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-12-3 22:38 (Comment)
    On happiness
    Happiness is a hot topic these days. Some said happiness is safety. And some thought it derives from health. And some regarded keeping fr ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-11-30 23:47 (Comment)
    The dripping eaves
    Today was warmer than forecast . At about ten o ' clock am the south eaves of our bungalow began dripping for the remaining snow on the ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-11-30 00:09 (Comment)
    On manhood
    Not all adult males can be called men. As a man, to begin with he must be able to support himself independently. And secondly, he can ens ...







  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-11-22 22:17 (Comment)
    Sympathy in contest
    The other year in the annual contest of the Starlight Road Ms Liu won the yearly champion. She did sing well. But other contestants also p ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-11-22 01:34 (Comment)
    Prediction verified
    School resumed yesterday after two days ' closure for the heavy snow. But towards the close of our daily work, we received an urgent call fro ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-11-20 23:50 (Comment)
    The bright night
    There has never been such a heavy snowfall as now. I walked through the alley filled with deep snow in the evening. Next morning some inh ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-11-19 00:13 (Comment)
    A heavy snowfall
    At dawn this morning I was wakened by the ringing bell of our telephone. At the other end of the phone was our headmaster who told me we we ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-11-18 00:06 (Comment)
    A white world
    Yesterday evening when I left mother ' s it had been snowing for a whole day. But it was not cold. The soft and sticky snow was melting ...






  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-11-10 00:10 (Comment)
    Cold precautions
    This morning I did not get up as early as in the working days. I stayed in bed for some time after I woke up. When the daylight illuminated my b ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-11-7 23:48 (Comment)
    Our warm flat
    I ' m satisfied that our apartment is well heated. When I come back from mother ' s every evening, I ' m to take off all my clothes exc ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-11-6 23:31 (Comment)
    Late for work
    I had been late for work for a few days running. Now I was so embarrassed to face our chief because I had no other excuse for my late arri ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-11-5 23:44 (Comment)
    Pick up cabbages
    I came across a pile of cabbages newly thrown by the roadside in the ditch when I walked past with my flat - tired bicycle. The spot wa ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-10-26 23:07 (Comment)
    The sunny weekend
    Bad weather had been continuing for a week since last weekend, now cloudy, now misty, and now rainy. Today it was sunny at last. I think ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-10-23 23:37 (Comment)
    The lunch today
    The free lunches offered to us teachers by school had been always composed of rice and some dishes. But shortly after this semester starte ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-10-18 23:40 (Comment)
    Adulthood ceremony
    This morning I took part in the adulthood ceremony held in Changchun No. 11 High School with many other parents whose children are also s ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-10-16 23:39 (Comment)
    Winter sunshine
    Thanks to the cold weather, I didn't perspire these two days when cycling to and from school. This never happened in the past. I was alwa ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-10-15 23:14 (Comment)
    Our cold office
    Yesterday ' s minimum temperature didn't drop to minus 6 degrees centigrade as forecast. In fear of our turnips being frozen, mother ha ...






  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-10-9 00:11 (Comment)
    Graciously bow out
    We had better limit our desires properly, otherwise we ' ll get into danger. We should not say too much or we are liable to make a slip ...











  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-9-21 20:27 (Comment)
    Autumn wind
    It was windy but not cold yesterday. The windows and the house door had to be closed all day. The strong wind made its way aggressively t ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-9-18 00:26 (Comment)
    Hasty divorce
    Divorce used to be considered shameful. However, it is a commonplace nowadays. The newly – weds are not sure if they could be faithfu ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-9-17 00:31 (Comment)
    Ode to autumn
    Autumn is the season of harvest. Nature generously offers people grain, vegetables, fruits and firewood to pass the coming winter. We need ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-9-13 23:23 (Comment)
    The autumn scene
    Mid - autumn Festival is approaching. Maize as the main crop of our region is ripening. It grows thickly and extensively in the fields f ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-9-12 23:44 (Comment)
    Wheat and onion
    Both winter wheat and onion are sown in autumn. Their seedlings can live through the winter. Winter wheat is grown in my native land, cen ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-9-10 23:40 (Comment)
    Modern family
    As the basic units of society, families have been dwindling with the time. The policy of family planning is the main reason for the situa ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-9-10 00:17 (Comment)
    Gifts give me no peace
    This morning after I walked into our office I found a new red carton that contained a stainless steel vacuum flask on my desk. At first I ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-9-6 23:26 (Comment)
    Teachers' Day
    The Teachers ' Day is only a few days away. This afternoon all the schoolchildren were summoned to do cleaning except those in Grade O ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-9-5 23:58 (Comment)
    Take bribes
    Today I accepted the first bribe in my life as a teacher. Mr. Ren, a retired teacher of our school, came to our office towards the end of ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-9-4 23:27 (Comment)
    Modern marriage
    Modern marriage is quite different from the traditional one. It tends to be fragile rather than durable. Before the wedding the cautious ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-9-2 21:58 (Comment)
    An unusual lunch
    Today we were offered a lunch quite different from those in the past, which consisted of steamed bread and soup. The steamed bread was br ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-8-31 23:59 (Comment)
    A day on farm work
    I went to school early this morning with a sickle. My main job was to clear the wild plants in the potato plot to be harvested and the de ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-8-28 23:09 (Comment)
    God of fortune
    It has been raining since late this morning. At dusk mother was puzzled about the firecrackers let off far and near. At first I got confu ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-8-27 23:20 (Comment)
    The funeral rites
    At dawn this morning I was woken up by the reverberating explosion of firecrackers in our estate. It seemed a funeral would be held soon. ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-8-26 23:06 (Comment)
    The traffic jam
    Early this morning a traffic jam happened on the main street near the school of our town. Many cars were caught in the rush hour. At the ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-8-11 00:11 (Comment)
    Dangerous work
    Many people are employed in dangerous work. Cops must do their duty to run after and seize the desperate criminals. Firefighters are need ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-8-7 22:56 (Comment)
    Visit prostitutes
    According to the latest news on TV this noon, some high - ranking judges in Shanghai have been displaced from office for going whoring t ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-8-2 22:33 (Comment)
    Intolerable heat
    I did not feel the power of the Great Heat until yesterday since the hottest period began. Yesterday morning I was still working unaffect ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-7-31 09:35 (Comment)
    In my childhood, our family was almost self - sufficient in food, clothing and shelter of these basic necessities of life. At that ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-7-29 22:00 (Comment)
    A dizzy spell
    Yesterday morning after I got up I felt dizzy. I had to lie down immediately on the nearby bed in the living room. The feeling continued even af ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-7-24 23:23 (Comment)
    My second homeland
    We ' ve settled here in Northeast over three decades. At first I was not used to the conditions of our new settlement. The coarse food, shabby ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-7-21 23:52 (Comment)
    Great Heat
    新华网天津7月21日电(记者周润健)“小暑接大暑,热得无处躲。”《中国天文年历》显示, 北京时间 7月22日23时56分,带来滚滚热浪的大暑节 ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-7-16 23:23 (Comment)
    Fascination of Chinese brush writing
    在我们已经习惯了用电脑“写字”的时代,绝大多数高校的高考录取通知书都是用电脑打印出来的,而陕西师范大学却回归传统,由学校的老教授用毛笔,一笔一画 ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-7-16 01:09 (Comment)
    Petitioning mother
    新华网长沙7月15日电(记者周楠 谭剑)15日9时许,湖南省高级人民法院对“上访妈妈”唐慧诉 永州 市劳教委行政赔偿案二审作出判决:撤销永州市中级 ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-7-12 23:28 (Comment)
    Reflect on myself
    Nearly a week has passed since the end of last semester. I feel guilty not to have made a practical plan for my long holiday. I almost id ...





  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-7-6 00:37 (Comment)
    Pick mushrooms
    It ' s good time to hunt fungi after several days of rainy weather. I had never been inclined to do that except today quite by accident ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-7-5 00:51 (Comment)
    Cooking fumes
    The cooking fumes of my neighbors below are often discharged into our kitchen through the chimney we share. On such occasions I usually c ...








  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-6-28 01:18 (Comment)
    A good sleep
    This year ' s senior high school entrance examination began in our province today. We are taking three days ' holiday for that. The ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-6-25 23:23 (Comment)
    Potatoes in bloom
    This afternoon when I finished my teaching task I observed a skilled peasant earthing up the potatoes in the traditional way with great i ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-6-25 00:21 (Comment)
    The debts I owe
    My first fifteen years were spent in Hebei. Then leaving first elder sister there, our whole family moved to Northeast where we have been ...




  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-6-19 22:54 (Comment)
    Nowadays more and more schoolchildren tend to show great reluctance to study their courses. Why ? As far as the children ' s backgrou ...






  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-6-14 00:33 (Comment)
    On divorce
    Divorce which was deemed disgraceful is a commonplace nowadays. People tend to discard the moral principles abided by in the past. Lust f ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-6-11 00:29 (Comment)
    A cuckoo's call
    Today I stayed at our bungalow with mother hearing the call of a cuckoo from time to time. The call was so loud and clear that I coul ...



  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-6-9 00:27 (Comment)
    Three days off
    We ' ll get three days off next week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. And Wednesday is the Dragon Boat Festival , a national holiday. ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-6-8 00:21 (Comment)
    Rush to school
    I didn't retire for the night until one o ' clock this morning after finishing and posting my English diary on the net. So naturally I w ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-6-7 01:05 (Comment)
    Son's homecoming
    Son said he would come back at about 3 o ' clock pm this afternoon. First, I told him to go to mother ' s because at that time I would be at ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-6-5 23:29 (Comment)
    Make rice dumplings
    The Dragon Boat Festival is just around the corner. Yesterday mother dragged to the street buying 1 kilogram of glutinous rice and a half kilogr ...
  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-6-5 00:26 (Comment)
    Iris in bloom
    Chinese small iris At the edges of the fields and on the paths within are flourishing clusters of iris. Now they are in full bloom ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-6-3 23:14 (Comment)
    Keep flies out
    Flies come with the arrival of summer. Much to our annoyance, they intrude into our rooms, contaminate our food and stain the surface of walls. ...


  • Sumingyu published a new blog 2013-6-1 23:31 (Comment)
    Happy to be home
    I didn't think I could get home tonight. This afternoon I went to attend the meeting for the parents of the students offered bed and board at sc ...

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