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  • An English tutor  Reply
  • I am a waitress on this summer vacation.  Reply
  • Chinese folk paper-cutting as intangible culture heritage. My DIY station at Ren Ren web.  Reply
  • So, I have no ideas about writing a blog, CAUSE I WOULD MAKE LOTS OF MISTAKES ON EVERY SENTENCE. Reply
  • Failing shows that you actually do something instead of just sitting in your comfort zone. Reply
  • Real NameEmma
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1991 - 11 - 8
  • Blood TypeAB

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survivor 2012-10-15
In this society,the first rule is the natural selection and survival of the fittest. Last summer vacation, I was working at KFC as a waitress. It i ...
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The impossible Dream-堂吉诃德 2012-04-04
            To dream the impossible dream            To  ...
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✿✿✿Find ✿✿✿ 2011-08-09
Everybody is looking for something. Looking for a job, looking for a place to stay, Looking for love, looking for a piece of memory, or look ...
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Win or lose, games for fun 2011-07-12
During the finale of the South African World Cup of last year, within 116 minutes, the Spanish soccer team beat the Nether landish soccer team ...
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I’m proud of being a Chinese 2011-07-04
China is a developing country with the largest population in the world. And, definitely, there are many defects not only in Chinese educatio ...
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possible 2011-12-30 14:52
MJK 2011-11-2 21:06
EmmaYred: So bad , I just pass one.
oh.come on, you are not the only one that had past the exam two..
MJK 2011-11-2 21:03
EmmaYred: So bad , I just pass one.
Oh,come on, baby, you are not the only one who had past the exam two..
MJK 2011-10-10 17:14
how about your exam Two?
MJK 2011-9-30 22:59
hello madam~~
MJK 2011-8-24 19:13
EmmaYred: Exam TWO~~
good..I will take the two until the end of the year.
MJK 2011-8-19 21:38
EmmaYred: Exam TWO~~
wow, so cute ...I just have taken the class one..
MJK 2011-8-18 18:43
EmmaYred: Yeah, you are right. I waste all my holiday time  on the internet.
I also  prepare for Nationnal Computer Rank Eaxm.
the computer exam ONE or others ?
MJK 2011-8-10 19:11
EmmaYred: Wow, you are backing~
These days I was busying in my exam, it will start next month and is very important for me, to be exactly, for my job in the future, and that is why I have little time to deal the blog...what about you? aways a time to Internet, huh?
MJK 2011-8-9 15:23
hi, how is your vacation?
O'Bright 2011-7-10 02:04
good night~
O'Bright 2011-7-5 00:33
EmmaYred: My summer vacation is beginning. Nice to meet you, did you still remenber me? Ha~
Yes, of course~
what's your plan of summer holiday? anyway, have a nice vacation. dear friend.
MJK 2011-6-7 11:32
how are you doing?
zolin 2011-5-21 00:53
hi nice meeting U here
JMZ 2011-5-10 19:55
I like your portrait  
claire1989 2011-4-21 11:46
i am here do you remember me ?
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