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The most important thing

1322 views. 2012-7-13 21:26 |

       There are a lot of thing you should face with everyday . Some are important,while some are not. And to some extent , life is a book of choise , sometimes gaining in one place means that you should give up in other place, obviously, to make a choise is not a piece of cake.

      Four days have gone since staying in home for summer holiday, before holidayi was determined to study hard preparing for senior four, and i do make it. To speak of, i spend one or two hours accompanying my grandma each day putting aside my study, there is amount of time i can study in the later days, but grandma is too old and too weak to wait for my company , she have given me so much that i can’t return off the only thing i can do is trying to stay with her, comparing with study , it is more significant, isn’t it?

      By the way ,when i study in university far away from home, the moment i think of my grandma, i find myself so cruel , i should have stayed with her to give her a comfort !  Now I have returned, i told myselt i will be with her. What the most important thing . It is.

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Reply colin0126 2012-7-13 22:12
Wish your grandma and you happy everyday.
Below just for your reference.
"choise "---should be corrected by "choice "
"she have"-----she has..
"a lot of thing"--"a lot of things"
" To speak of"---?
"What the most important thing"--what is the..
"i was determined to....and i do make it.  " I was...I did ...
Reply sunnyv 2012-7-14 18:52
Sometimes we have no choice but to sacrifice some of the things we wish to do. Our abilities are limited. You have a genuine love and concern for your grandma so you should not have regrets. Just be at the side of your grandma when you have time. Don't measure the time you used in studying, it is your absorbtion of the knowledge that would determine your grades, not just mechanical studying. Wish you a happy life.
Reply xuechengzhang 2012-7-14 22:35
colin0126: Wish your grandma and you happy everyday.
Below just for your reference.
"choise "---should be corrected by "choice "
"she ha
thanks a lot
Reply xuechengzhang 2012-7-14 22:36
sunnyv: Sometimes we have no choice but to sacrifice some of the things we wish to do. Our abilities are limited. You have a genuine love and concern for your
thanks for  your comment

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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