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Sponsored link: Some useful and practical books that will help you to improve your English writing skills.
Shares hope
xuechengzhang 2013-1-8 12:45
In our beautiful ages, we have seen graceful scenery, experienced great cases ,the most important, we have met some nice people. A poem by ximurong goes that how can make you come across me in my most golden time, I appreciate those both who I love and who love me ,fo ...
795 views|6 replies
Shares Youth
xuechengzhang 2013-1-1 23:21
Youth doesn’t mean much money with which you can manage a marriage and buy a big house. Youth doesn’t mean a lover with who you will feel enthusiastic and fall in love deeply. Youth doesn’t mean a sa ...
1156 views|4 replies
Shares a happy day
xuechengzhang 2012-12-30 21:23
Sometimes , we often do something without further consideration. I bought a ticket preparing to return home tomorrow ,which is ill-considered. I happened to remember that tomorrow is Monday when I must help the children to do the homework . I have determined to ask for a leave ,and then I de ...
871 views|0 replies
Shares thanks
xuechengzhang 2012-12-29 17:06
i got a cold recently, mainly because I have been exposed to the rain several times in my way back to school at night . I got a part-time job three months ago helping children doing homework, which sounds interesting. They are lovely angels full of unique characters smiling often as well as cry ...
1289 views|2 replies
Shares The most important thing
xuechengzhang 2012-7-13 21:26
There are a lot of thing you should face with everyday . Some are important,while some are not. And to some extent , life is a book of choise , sometimes gaining in one place means that you should give up in other place, obviously, to make a ch ...
1321 views|4 replies


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