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( 11294 ) Visits

  • I will have to leave this space for a month for lots of reasons ,but I'm sure I will be back soon and share my pespectives and life experience with all my friends in this warm space.I love you all. Reply
  • Life is impermanent.It exists in the space of a breath. Life ends when the breathing stops.We must cherish every moment. Reply
  • Look back suddenly, discover unexpectedly live alone the most rare be that the mood that the light and clear anxious is transcendent with that. Reply
  • Insist on! Reply
  • I don't have choice .I have to fight. Reply
  • Real NameWendy Su
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1987 - 3 - 13
  • Birthplace广西 桂林
  • Residence广西 桂林
  • Blood TypeO

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Nothing is everlasting. 2013-02-01
      It has already been three weeks since I came back from England. I still so miss England and have a strong willin ...
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I feel so sad. 2012-07-03
     I don't know what I have done to some of my friends,those best friends who I spent most of my  precious time being with ...
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1th March 2012-03-02
     He said that I'm like a pricess in the fairy tale, I was moved and felt crying.      He is the man who shares ...
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1th March 2012-03-02
      Life is always unpredictable. You would never know what is going to happen in the next minute, but you must at least kn ...
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18th February 2012-02-20
      After strugglling hard in searching jobs for a period of time, I begin to realise how silly I was when I made the desic ...
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Aoeee 2011-10-18 21:17
may i have your QQ number?
snowflying 2011-10-11 18:19
Wendy520: Thanks for your caring my friend.I will come back to this space soon.I was busy in my dissertation writing in the past months,so I seldom visit here.
oh, my dear, looking your coming back so glad. sometimes i guess what a life about yourself life in  far abroad. i think you must be busy with your study, surely it be. have a good break.
snowflying 2011-10-6 20:51
my dear friend, how about your recent days?
Jessfon 2011-8-14 23:20
Long time no see. how are you doing
Jessfon 2011-7-16 22:41
Hi, Wendy, i want to ask you a question: which trade do you think best in modern society ?
Jessfon 2011-7-11 23:18
Wendy520: hehe ,thanks for your caring my friend.
It's just a beginning for my writing .I think I have to work really hard on my work, or I can't finish on time
So-so, and I have not any good news. sometimes, I read newspaper so that I can find good things. If I can find good things I will share for you at first time.
Jessfon 2011-7-10 23:08
Have you passed your dissertation ?
Jessfon 2011-6-25 22:24
Wendy520: I'm sorry that I didn't come to this space for a long time as I'm busy in my dissertation .I couldn't upload more photos as it's a pity that I just ha
So-so. thanks for your concern for me.
Jessfon 2011-6-9 23:23
Could you send some your photos taken abroad to share for us  ?
Jessfon 2011-6-2 23:06
if you have time , call me to have a chat.
Bruce_qian2006 2011-4-10 00:39
Wendy520: Yes, I am .Are you in China?
Yeah, I am in China now.
Bruce_qian2006 2011-3-29 23:13
Wendy520: Aha , I went to Paris in last few months.It is really a fantastic place to be.
Seems you are in England now.
Jealousy 2011-3-3 22:05
Wendy520: I think you can come abroad as well.Just waitng for the day.
Jealousy 2011-2-27 13:15
Come from Ginlin.You can go to aboard,envy.My dream is that.
Jessfon 2011-2-27 00:16
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