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1th March

781 views. 2012-3-2 06:46

      Life is always unpredictable. You would never know what is going to happen in the next minute, but you must at least know what you are doing and why you are doing it at the moment. At least you should clearly know your aims and put your efforts into it to meet your targets. If you never make any attempts and efforts, you would never walk in a right way and you might lose your directions easily and quickly. At least if you work hard or study hard now, no matter what result, either achievements or disappointments, you wouldn't need to regret not doing anything, you would still be released because you know you've already put your efforts in it. Failure just means you need to adjust yourself again and pay more efforts in it. You might still have chance to reach success.
     I always do my best to reach my aims. I think I will benefit.

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Reply ivyendless 2012-3-2 20:56
know clearly about your aims and put your efforts into it.a simple but perpetual theme in our life !... just like what you said  do our best to it ,my friends ,no matter how hard it will be .
Reply Wendy520 2012-3-3 07:15
ivyendless: know clearly about your aims and put your efforts into it.a simple but perpetual theme in our life !... just like what you said  do our best to
yes , you are right. I agree.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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