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My son, a born poet!

677 views. 2011-4-22 13:05

    My son is two years old and talks quite well. Like many other parents, my wife and I are eager to teach him some Tang poems. As an ancient saying goes, reading up 300 Tang poems enables one to  intone poems at least, if not to write  himself. Having repeated after us many times, my son was eventually able to recite some lines of a few poems. He is proud of what he can and likes to show off his knowledge about poems. While he was having a good time with several kids the other day, he was apparently inspired by something about the spring. He blurted out two lines that would put Li Bai to shame:  春眠不觉晓,白毛浮绿水。

Post comment Comment (10 replies)

Reply admin 2011-4-22 13:39
Haha, so funny.
Reply moli 2011-4-22 13:57
He just recites what you teach and doesn't understand the meaning of the poem.
Reply cgmichael 2011-4-22 15:58
i don't let my son just only to recite something,because of this kind of education style is  harm for children's imagination ability.
Reply louislaolu 2011-4-22 16:12
cgmichael: i don't let my son just only to recite something,because of this kind of education style is  harm for children's imagination ability.
Thanks for caring. It seems that my son's imagination hasn't been imparied. By confusing two poems, he created a bizarre yet interesting picture, at least to adults. (Of course I can't be serious saying that)
In fact, we treat learning poems by heart as a game. We don't force him when he is not interested.
Reply touringchina 2011-4-22 18:10
luo is laoluo?? what does your nickname imply?? could you tell me the special meanig of your nickname>?
Reply empty~empty 2011-4-22 19:32
The kids could always bring  much funny to us,I like kids.
Reply louislaolu 2011-4-22 21:56
touringchina: luo is laoluo?? what does your nickname imply?? could you tell me the special meanig of your nickname>?
My English name and Chinese surname, nothing else. Heehee.
Reply rich 2011-4-24 14:29
very entertaining to read your blog here. your son may make a great poet, who knows? glad to share your joy of being a father.
Reply snowflying 2011-5-9 22:35
how lovely son!
Reply qinqinjennifer 2011-10-25 14:59
So lovely.
If I have my baby, I will teach him either.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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