She had died when the rescuers found her. Through the heaps of rubble burying her, people could see her lying facedown, with his upper body on her knees and hands. After one rescuer managed to reach her face and felt her breath, he confirmed that she had already been dead.
The team was leaving for the next collapsed building when the rescuer in charge felt something unusual on instinct and turned around quickly crying "follow me". Having reached the dead body, he stretched his hands under the woman and groped for something unknown. All of a sudden, he exclaimed, "A baby, still alive".
In spite of great difficulties, rescuers cautiously removed the weights from her back. Under the body lay a 3 to 4 -month-old baby wrapped up in a small red quilt. Shielded by the body of its mommy, the sleeping baby looked unharmed. Its sweetness was so contagious that everyone around was filled with warmth. When one of the doctors removed the quilt, he found a mobile phone inside. As he took a casual look, an unsent text message caught his eyes, which goes, ‘Honey, if you could survive, don't forget how much Mommy loves you’. Having witnessed too many sufferings of his patients, he was somewhat insensitive to the scenes of death. However, the doctor, with his arms around the baby, couldn’t hold back his tears this time. The mobile was passed around and each reader of the last words was moved to tears by the greatest love in the world.
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