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A Baby Talk

1120 views. 2012-6-10 22:09

    "When I grow up, I will give birth to a baby", my baby son suddenly said to me one day.
    I asked, " what would you call the baby?"
    "I am gonna call him my brother. And we can play togther", answered my son.
    I didn't say a word. What can I say? What need I say? He will know what he will eventually know. It's only foolish to impose upon his world what adults think correct.

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Reply Soar 2012-6-10 23:26
Long time no see. You must be very happy to be with your cute son. Only kids have their own unique way of  thinking that is very different of adults. They have their pure world like fairy tales.
Reply rich 2012-6-11 08:54
Soar: Long time no see. You must be very happy to be with your cute son. Only kids have their own unique way of  thinking that is very different of adults.
i'm picturing what a nice cozy family you have. yes children have their own ways of thinking, though not mature yet, but pure and unique. thus i think you did the right thing. to tell you the truth, i didn't do very well as a dad. if possible i would otherwise never have done the things i did. one lesson i learned is that a child should have the right to be a child.
Reply Candy.liu 2012-6-11 09:28
rich: i'm picturing what a nice cozy family you have. yes children have their own ways of thinking, though not mature yet, but pure and unique. thus i think
"A child should have the right to be a child". I like this sentence.
Reply sunnyv 2012-6-11 09:57
rich: i'm picturing what a nice cozy family you have. yes children have their own ways of thinking, though not mature yet, but pure and unique. thus i think
There must always be a struggle between a father and son, while one aims at power and the other at independence. Disobedience is a son's first step toward autonomy and by the time a son/man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong. A sensible father should gather enough courage to let his son suffer a bit in order to let him see for himself what reality is. You have all it takes to be a proud father.
Reply sunnyv 2012-6-11 10:00
He is so cute.
Reply rich 2012-6-11 10:50
sunnyv: There must always be a struggle between a father and son, while one aims at power and the other at independence. Disobedience is a son's first step to
You're one of the people who know me well. actually not just as an individual. you're absolutely right! the struggle will continue. it's just natural and unavoidable. however, as you said, it is a bit late for the kid to realize what his dad did was correct. one has to experience the 3 stages: i have a great dad, then my dad is not great but a little annoying; finally he came to realize my ordinary daddy is not actually common and did the right thing. have a good day!
Reply louislaolu 2012-6-11 20:14
Soar: Long time no see. You must be very happy to be with your cute son. Only kids have their own unique way of  thinking that is very different of adults.
You are right. Kids have their own way of thinking. In some cases, they establish relationship that adults can't see otherwise.
Reply louislaolu 2012-6-11 20:39
rich: i'm picturing what a nice cozy family you have. yes children have their own ways of thinking, though not mature yet, but pure and unique. thus i think
Being a good father is an art.  Most of us have mixed feelings about letting kids be. On the one hand, we encourage children to exlpore the world. On the other, we can't help offering guidance even when this is unnecessary. Perhaps we shouldn't interfere when making mistakes does no harm to them or the harm is sufferable to a child. A truth that is learned is better than one that is given. For instance, I might have told my son seriously that he had made two errors because 1. A man doesn't give birth to a child. 2. A person musn't call the son his brother. However, in so doing, I am giving him the truth or trying to impose kind of order on his world which we regard as chaotic. In fact, I can't explain clearly why those are errors. At least I can't explain it using language he understands. Since not knowing truth doesn't put him in danger and getting to truth is only a matter of time, I'd better leave it for him to find out.
Reply louislaolu 2012-6-11 21:00
sunnyv: He is so cute.
My son is cute. It's amazing to watch him experiment with his language competence.
Reply rich 2012-6-11 21:13
louislaolu: Being a good father is an art.  Most of us are ambivalent about letting kid be. On the one hand, we encourage children to exlpore the world. On the ot
totally agree. i believe you're gonna be a good daddy! what you said is reasonable and conforms to the development law of a child, as i see it. still we can be ambivalent sometimes. different stages will have different challenges. happy parenting!
Reply sunnyv 2012-6-12 00:34
louislaolu: My son is cute. It's amazing to watch him experiment with his language competence.
Yeah, the first few words would be words like mama, papa, mum-mum. Love those baby talk.

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