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There are five ages of professors:tireless, tiring, tiresome, tired, and retired.
2012-4-28 16:53 Reply|
Tomorrow's exam is a tough battle for me! I hope that I can win it once and for all. Wish me good luck, my friend!
2012-3-10 21:15 Reply|
The conlusion: I, as well as my thinking mode, am enslaved by this powerful machine. What about you, my friend?
2012-2-26 10:35 Reply|
Not only is putting down my ideas difficult, but also the draft is hardly intelligible with too much crossing out of wrong or redundant words. When I shifted back to computer, I felt more than good.
2012-2-26 10:33 Reply|
I often write on computers and somewhat satisfied that the words look clean and neat. Recently I try to put down my ideas with a pen. Guess what I found.
2012-2-26 10:30 Reply|
Which makes you comfortable, wrting with a pen on a peice of paper or writing with a keyboard on a computer?
2012-2-26 10:27 Reply|
Happy Long Year! Happy Dragon Year to every friend! May every dream of yours come true!
2012-1-22 16:06 Reply|
I am back. I've been busy dealing with the final exam. Now that all papers are marked and transcripts are handed in, I finally have time to come back for a visit. Are you all doing great?
  • Soar: I am glad to hear that . Maybe now you will have more time to write something for us . (1-11 21:22)
  • rich: Glad to know you've got things done and are able to come back. (1-12 19:54)
2012-1-11 21:05 Reply|
I'd like to share two coinages I came across on line these days when I browsed websites about Steve Jobs and his death:Ipad, therefore I am (a parady of I think, therefore I am—Descartes);Isad (Ipad)
  • heai88: Ipad, therefore I am (a parady of I think, therefore I am—Descartes);-->I don't know the coinage. (12-27 13:50)
2011-10-9 22:03 Reply|
I passed all the tests required and got my driving licence this afternoon! I am happy that I finally get rid of those testy coaches. Above all, I can practice driving at my own pace.
2011-9-5 22:18 Reply|
Are you a fast learner of car-driving? You can imagine how different the learning experiences are given that only my bottom was invovled when I used to deal with a car!
2011-9-2 09:14 Reply|
They say customers are God, but my recent experience proved that the saying is only partially true. I am now taking driving lessons in a training school. Teachers are patient and angry as if students
  • bluephoebe: Driving school, my nightmare too. i can't drive two years after i got licence. the teachers here focus on the only outcome---to get us pass the test, but never truely want to teach us to drive. what a (8-4 10:43)
2011-8-4 07:57 Reply|
How I wish that I were a computer so that I can multitask!
2011-7-18 13:20 Reply|

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