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Are you ready to give birth to the second child? 2015-11-04
        It is said there are 6 requirements to give birth to a second child. 1. You have a nice and loving mother-in-law. 2. You h ...
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Cute answer 2014-09-23
     A couple days ago, I read a news report about a careless father who left his younger aged son in the market unintentionally.  ...
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Shrug off all the responsibilities and take a solo travel??? 2014-05-27
       One of my friends chose to work abroad (a small country in Europe, actually) , which arouses some disputes among our friend ...
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Recommendation to an excellent movie Unsere Mütter 2013-04-25
As an English learner, I have to admit that my knowledge and understanding to the World War II had been influenced unavoidably by American histo ...
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I failed in the real-road test of my driver’s license… 2012-10-16
   I took the real-road test of my driver’s license last Saturday. Unfortunately, I failed. I am so thirsty for passing the test ...
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snowflying 2011-12-12 21:45
my silent best wishes to your family,dear friend.
yaping 2011-9-19 10:23
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