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Your Best Life Now

1387 views. 2013-12-21 21:02 | discover, develop, vision, follow, power

Your Best Life Now has been a steady -sealling book on Amazon .com since 2005. This self-help book parents seven steps to follow to live life to its fullest . According to the author , you first need to enlarge your vision for your life . Second , you need to develop a healthy self-image . Third, you need to discover the power of your thoughts and words. Fourth , you need to forget the past. Fifth , you need to find strength through adversity . Sixth , you need to learn to give . And finally , you need to decide to be happy . Joel Osteen ,the author and a renowned Christian pastor in the United States , makes many references to God and Christian living in the book . But don't worry ;even if you are not Christian , you can still benefit immensely from the sound advice in this volume.

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