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( 13675 ) Visits

  • long time no come here, miss sssooooo much..... Reply
  • Spring rain is as precious as oil. Reply
  • it haven't been opened till now......... but I wanna go to bed...... Reply
  • busy, busy...... Reply
  • "If you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done. If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting." Reply
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1986 - 3 - 28
  • Residence北京 海淀
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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Nostalgia 2011-10-09
The first part:     During the National Day, remembed that, one dusk, when I walked in the campus, I saw some old people who are ...
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When you face a brand new day 2011-09-06
When you face a brand new day, you have many dreams. When you face a brand new day, you start to enjoy the early new sunshine. When you fa ...
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celebrating graduating 2011-06-26
       Yesterday afternoon,our lab had some activities.the topic is:celebrating graduating.    & ...
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are you ok? 2011-06-23
        Hi!my friends,are you ok recently?thesedays,i am so busy that almost have no more time to come h ...
(1262) Views|(13) Replies
These days 2011-06-07
       Nowadays,I have some panic,beacuse my experiments is endless,my time of prepareing for exam is lesser and ...
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bigcat 2013-3-14 07:39
how are you?long time no see.hope things go well with you,
snowflying 2012-11-23 20:55
JMZ: where? do miss you.
ahaaaa,here!!! actually i miss you ttooo,dear JMZ.i think of friends as you here,so visit here today again.
snowflying 2012-11-23 20:45
JMZ: Finally you appeared~~
because i miss you.
snowflying 2012-10-19 20:47
snowflying 2012-8-18 21:52
JMZ: Where?? can I follow you and read it?Do miss you~~
heheee, my poor writing is going on actually. merely myself's diaries record everyday.if interest, seek on sina,when we meet, tell me. really a big luck
snowflying 2012-8-16 20:27
JMZ: Do miss you too, my dear friend~~
Is everything ok? why stop writing your blogs? I wanna read your blogs..
Hope all the best~
hehe,JMZ,you are my old friend here. i miss you and often think of you. my writing is going,merely no here publishing,hehe.
reik 2012-8-9 22:13
snowflying 2012-8-3 21:55
JMZ:   where?
woo, dear JMZ, do miss you. wish happy and well in Beijing.
snowflying 2012-4-12 20:12
JMZ: yes, strive for my brilliant future~~~   spring is coming and will disappear soon, it is good time to enjoy the nature more~~   hope you have
snowflying 2012-4-11 19:12
JMZ: it is really a happy thing to have own house! and it is so much great to own one locates in beijing! you are so rich~~ you and your nephew, both of yo
ahaa, JMZ, i have four houses totally.but he has only one, buy this one , must sell his current one. bread will own, everything will own too, sooner or later. prepare and strive for your future,cheers.
snowflying 2012-4-10 21:09
JMZ:   long time no see, how have you been recently?
oh, JMZ,surely long time, i think too. do miss you. so thanks fo your care, i'm about your life in Beijing? oh, tell you, my nephew will buy hs second house in Beijing with 2700 thousands , but no much money. now we are thinking how to solve it with his parents.
snowflying 2012-3-18 20:10
JMZ: I am coming here again~~~
welcome back.hehe.. take care of yourself in busy life steps, JMZ.
snowflying 2012-3-13 19:30
JMZ : No, NO, of course, we need some time to relax to keep fit, otherwise, we will break. recently, for interview, sometimes, I found I  alomst spent a day heihei.. girl, life is busy indeed. and current you is a nice age to enjoy life. you will experience more about life future. here is just for sharing with each other, and my writing is only for my life record.whether you visit here or not, whether often or less,whether comment or read, only wish you lead a nice life in your eve ... ...
snowflying 2012-3-13 19:27
JMZ: wow, now you have 56571 visits!!!
you are the contributor
snowflying 2012-3-12 19:26
JMZ: I am ok, just have a little busy, what about you?
hehe, life is busy indeed, even sometimes we have no break to release. good mood everyday,JMZ.
snowflying 2012-3-7 19:05
JMZ, how about you? best wishes.
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