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821 views. 2009-4-14 20:35 |

    "Smoking is harmful to your health, quit smoking is good for your health." We can find the warning message in any of the  cigarette cases. I have tried a couple of times to quit smoking, failed each time. and even smoke more than before. My wife made a sign with "No Smoking" in our house to remind me of no smoking, but it doesnt work.
     I like smoking when I am in a good/bad mood; I like smoking after lunch/super; I like smoking while making decisions; I like smoking while communicating with my father..So I gave up quit smoking at last, I admit that smoking is a bad habit, but every has his or her own favorite things. Smoking is one of my favorites.
     What do you think?

Post comment Comment (13 replies)

Reply wondercat 2009-4-14 21:05
Hehe,i think it is one`s own choice to smoke or not. I just do not like people who smoke in public.
Reply dickqian 2009-4-14 21:15
I smoke in public scarcely,unless it is necceary.
Reply wildgrass 2009-4-15 08:09
This favorite things is too bad for your health. I think you should reduce to smoke at firest.
Reply Sally_Fan 2009-4-15 08:49
To quit smoking is very difficult, I try to persude my father many times, but failed, as he have been in addiction. However, I still agree with that smoking is bad for you and your family's health, especially when there is a little baby in your family.
Reply Summer1022 2009-4-15 09:37
aha,as far as i know most and nearly all the developers like smoking,perhaps it is good way for them to develop,but i think you must control your smoking times,too much smoking is really bad to your health,in order of your wife,yourself and your families!
Reply dickqian 2009-4-15 19:49
wildgrass: This favorite things is too bad for your health. I think you should reduce to smoke at firest.
I tried servral times, but failed at each time.
Reply dickqian 2009-4-15 19:51
Sally_Fan: To quit smoking is very difficult, I try to persude my father many times, but failed, as he have been in addiction. However, I still agree with that s
I agree with you, it's one of my favorites, lust like girls or ladies like to shopping.
Reply dickqian 2009-4-15 19:54
Summer1022: aha,as far as i know most and nearly all the developers like smoking,perhaps it is good way for them to develop,but i think you must control your smok
Yes, that is why I always keep myself along in the balcony when I am smoking.
Reply woods 2009-4-16 20:54
I don't smoke.But as a man I understand you.Actually I want to learn smoking,but I will feel sick when I smell the smoke.
Reply daisydaisy 2009-4-17 16:01
haha, it is really a hard thing to abandon a habit which is lasting for several years. just try to reduce it and control yourself, it is harmful for all the people around you.
Reply dickqian 2009-4-18 13:24
Keep away from smoking
Reply RachelBear 2009-4-19 14:41
Smoking is a bad habit hard to get rid of indeed~Once you made up ur mind to give up smoking,do persist in it at all cost,or else,endeavors you`ve made before is in vain.
Hope u can abandon it truly one day.~!
Reply youngcq 2009-4-19 14:46
i hate the smell
it is disgusting
i feel like puking when i smell this
no offence
i am just being honest

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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