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Shares attention please,every friend in the
2013-7-11 10:20
it's so hot,if you wear those clothes that in sun for a long time,please take care,don't go out in this so high temperature,it would be make yourself heatstroke or make yourself feel bad with some solutions of heatstroke.good luck to everybody,have a nice time.
1249 views|7 replies Hot 4
Shares so bad
2013-3-14 09:02
i watched the tv play named朝闻天下,first i felt very good,love it very much,but a very short time spaced i heard the same news again,the same compere,the same place.very dislike.what's worse is thatthe same news broadcasted third time also with a very short words!
1429 views|4 replies
Shares so funny
2013-2-23 19:06
today i saw a friend play his online game,he had a exam in the game,there was a topic said that:a farmer has 17 sheep,the others all died because of fall ill except 9 sheep,how many sheep that the farmer has now?his answer let my laughter would never stop.please tell me the first answer when ...
1332 views|7 replies
Shares whether i really don't have anything?
2013-2-20 11:47
whose heart is flying in the sky whose encounter is drifting on the sea i don't want to say anything with the injured heart the past and the future all like a dream the pain and the beauty all leave to the lonely self the unknown cantus ring out again whether i really don't ...
1250 views|7 replies
Shares attention please
2013-2-4 23:01
i havea problem that how do you think of this topic:not compensated bythe same price between the people come from the country and the people come from the city.i think it unfairto the life,it shouldbe the same price. if you have some viewpoints,please tell me,thanks.
1392 views|8 replies
Shares do you enjoy your actuality?
2013-1-30 23:47
After graduated for tow years,i always feel i need famous person said the five years after we graduated is very important,we could change our life,work,feeling and so on in the first five years,accumulate the contacts of ourselves and the experience of our life and work. But tonight ...
821 views|2 replies
Shares caprice
2013-1-27 21:08
before i have a girlfriend,i don't know the responsibility of myself.just spend my time and dream freely.light,degenerate,clueless.don't have a plan of my life,don't try my best to make my dream come true,don't let the others find the really shining points in my like the water run faster ...
631 views|3 replies
Shares i think it will let me think about something
2013-1-22 21:02
Reacently there is a TV play named妈祖hot broadcast.i watched it just for pass the time,there was a part in it,said that some bad people want try to probe whether MaZu have her preexistent memory,so they used a foreign ship like a bait,MaZu saved them,when she appeared,the foreigners use english ...
708 views|5 replies
Shares some feeling
2012-9-20 19:24
thoese days we still think about wethere we could have a future if we go on like before.when i saw her i think she is the last girl who i love and care,i would try my best to make her become my lover,even become my wife.get along well with eachother for a long time,went to this step really is ...
577 views|0 replies
Shares so unhappy
2012-9-18 08:04
yesterday i lost my girl friend,just funny beacuse ofa very easy reason.if i did not say that i think we must enjoy the happinese very natural.but all things can't work on all cylinders,we complained eachother,i think i am not mistaken,before i talk with her i tell her the detail of the thing ...
612 views|5 replies

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