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be patient for my bright future

Hot 31247 views. 2015-7-23 22:53 | future

         sometimes l am very lazy , sometimes l lack self-confidence , sometimes l am very stupid . my parents  are no great person or millionaire .  l have experienced lots of  pains and hard-ship in my passed 25 years . But now  l felt l am still a child who not mature at all .

        but l am now very hardworking . my working environment permits plenty of  study time . l have a stable and ambitious mind . l dont regard the success as the only goal for me . but l regard the   way to pursue success as a very funny travel . l regard my life as this funny travel . And l have enough energy to pursue my success . no stop and l would finally get my bright future .    

   this travel must be very funny .  

Post comment Comment (6 replies)

Reply sunnyv 2015-7-24 13:04
Hey.. come on my friend. You are certainly much better than that. There is no need to be so pitiful or self criticizing. I have been like that too before.
It is frustrating and depressing to see time pass quickly and our youth is fading away. You are not wasting time or wasting your youth away. It is just that there are not many opportunities around you. Who don't want to be successful overnight, but it is won't easy. You would have to stumble, fall, hurt, getup again and walk on towards your goal. The more scars you have, the more confident you would be. Remember that you are better than a lot of others because you have certain personal advantages, trying hard to improve your life and equip yourself. At least you can write a clear English blog here and not everyone can do that. It is quite a lonely road because nobody would help you stand and you would have to stand on your own. You surely have that power to stand on your own.

When you are in the early struggling stage, everything is difficult because you have not yet finished the groundwork for going up the ladder of success. Nobody would give you the chance voluntarily because they are not your parents so you have to fight for it. Nowadays only being hardworking is not enough. You have to identify your future in the back of your mind and work in that direction. You may change along the way and somewhere along the line, you would find your chance to do the things you like with great reward. If your present situation is limiting your development, then be breve to jump out of it. Spread your net wider. Everyone will have his chance.
Reply Catherine陈 2015-7-24 15:17
I think you are great .You have your own goal instead of relying on your parents .You work hard because you never give up improving English . You are  willing to make every effort to achieve great success . Now , you just lack of an opportunity . God helps those who help himself. I believe you will have a bright future .
Reply freefu55 2015-7-24 20:38
Best wishes!
Reply 逍遥飞吧 2015-7-29 22:01
sunnyv: Hey.. come on my friend. You are certainly much better than that. There is no need to be so pitiful or self criticizing. I have been like that too bef ...
just now , l want to behave well in my job and then study more IT technologies . my   friends regard the big salary as the success and so do l .    the money could give me more freedom l think . and what is more ? l want to be very popular among the girls . and l want to marry the beautiful girl .      the money and beauty is regarded by me as the success . l am a very very vulgar boy as you know .  
best wishes .
Reply sunnyv 2015-7-29 22:47
逍遥飞吧: just now , l want to behave well in my job and then study more IT technologies . my   friends regard the big salary as the success and so do l .[em:2: ...
Actually, why do we work so hard for? We want to live a proud and comfortable life, be the envy of others, spend freely, travel see the world and don't have to worry about money. In fact, if you look around you, everyone is hoping for the same thing so it is normal. IT can give you good income and it is the most lucrative career at present, however, you have to have a clear mind and know the direction you go. Go ahead with confidence.
Reply 逍遥飞吧 2015-7-29 22:53

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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