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The company annual traveling will coming

1248 views. 2011-8-5 21:38

                                      The company  annual traveling will coming
>>The company will hold the annual traveing in next week ,This news is very rousing to each staff, By far ,the company probably has more than 6000 staff ,Because the human are many ,cause to have many tourist tarcks and the scenic spot.
Becuase the human are too many,So the company will arrange to divide into several batch to travel according to the each department work situation.
>> Now so many toursit tracks  cause mostly  colleguers  has no idea how to choose the tourist tarcks and scenic spot . Becuase each scenic spot is attractive  and very famous .However in my mind i want go to the GUILING or XIAMEN have a long time .But consider that the present weather was burning hot ,The journey is a little remote  ,now have a little hesitation dose not go.

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Reply rich 2011-8-6 09:26
lucky for you to have annual travel at the expense of the company. mine used to organize one every 2 years, however, they changed it to once every 3 years. how discouraging! i guess your company must be a large and financially powerful one. have fun, whether to guilin or any other place.
Reply starwang 2011-8-6 21:55
you said right,the company is very rich .The welfare also is good for each staff.recently years the company growth is getting bigger and bigger ,the staff are getting more and more ,But the welfare started to worse slowly .

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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