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  • Mutual trust and respect is something that really matters in marriage. Based on this Making your man a free range husband is believed to be a wise direction. If a woman makes every effort to keep Reply
  • If you want to live a happy life ,Tie it to a goal. Not to people or things. Reply
  • Remembrance is a form of meeting . Forgetfulness is a form of freedom 记忆是相会的一种形式,忘记是自由的一种形式 Reply
  • Do not pra for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men . 不要祈祷生活安逸,祈祷自己变得更坚强 Reply
  • Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy . They are charming gardeners who make our soul blossom. Reply
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the power of paradigm shifting 2012-03-13
    The power of Paradigm shifting.   We people tend to think what we see as it is .actually It is what we se ...
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University expansion and higher tuition 2012-02-01
   Ministry  of Eduacation has expaned its recruitment since 1990s in the hope to offer equal chance to access the unive ...
(1218) Views|(2) Replies
Teach kids how to manage their allowance 2012-01-29
I feel a bit embarrassed when I read the blog on the value of money written by snow flower.  She likes investment . it may be given a ...
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China absent from WEF 2012-01-29
China was first absent from world economy forum since 1979 . WEF organization did not move the schedule to a earlier date though China sent the r ...
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The days of my youth ---afer watching the movie" you are the apple of my ey 2012-01-22
  You are the apple of my eye.  ----( 那年我们一起追的女孩 ).   I watched the moive .It is filmed in terms of ...
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snowflying 2011-9-30 08:04
Happy National Day to you,sophia.
snowflying 2011-9-15 18:51
sophia_2011 : Hi. Sorry. I hide it on purpose as I have not finished it . I was interrupted by a call and can not focus on writing . Therefore I changed the setting aha, i see it's like so originally. i  think friends should be both sides, if others dislike me , i think i should be away, instead of disturbing other's space without ending. i like exchange with you, because i found your experience and thoughts so rich.when your blog finished, i moved it over,hehe. ...
snowflying 2011-9-10 22:25
happy mid-autumn festival!
yaping 2011-9-6 14:37
Heidi_zysi 2011-9-4 21:51
sophia_2011: Thank you . Your appeciation  is encouring me tp write more. have a nice day~!
Thank you! you too
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