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an unforgetable experiance of selling the newspaper 2011-12-21
I did sales because I was influenced by my family where my mom and aunt are saleswomen, rather than I was so eager to make money. That’s why I s ...
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tips about "introduction" 2011-11-30
Do you know how to introduce yourself? Do you know how to introduce your friends to others? Introduction is the basic skills in your social life. N ...
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请各位大哥大姐帮忙检查一下这句翻译贝?谢谢~~ 2011-11-28
她对当前中国文化界神化村上春树的现象进行了一针见血的解释—那就是主要读者群的颇为普遍的小资产阶级心理. she made the sharp explanation that i ...
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my magic life 2011-11-10
the person who was important in my life is my Thailand tourist guide--Mr. Gao Xiaopin. Since I have been to Thailand, everything changed! Where I fo ...
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how to make money in English language 2011-11-09
Yesterday evening, I planned to buy a new pair of nearsightedness eyeglass ,as the one I am wearing now has been making my eyes uncomfo ...
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linda@crab 2011-11-10 09:07
nice to be your friend
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