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enter into wrong toilet

680 views. 2012-12-6 00:30 |

Today I went to see a film with my roommate,the movie name is 1942.
before me enter,I want to go to toilet,but I found I enter into wrong toilet, enter into women's room.someone was behind  in laughing at me, then my face was very hot,really want to find a gap in hiding,fast running out.
Today I am very stupid.

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Reply warmjaney 2012-12-6 08:38
The movie is hot recently; Wow, it's really an embrrassed experience, which recalled me that I also went wrong WC when my first HK business trip, it's very big fair center, and it's urgent, another coworker closed to me, fortunately, we just came to the gate, realized promptly; Funny!
Reply lijuanandrea 2012-12-6 10:51
every one might go to the wrong place once in life.
Reply lgityt 2012-12-6 17:46
it is an ordinary things,

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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