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Dear, can you remember what did you do 6 months ago?

1667 views. 2012-10-3 14:00 |


Just realize I have a space here, check the last blog I updated, it was almost 6 months before.

So how time flies! 6 months ago, I remembered myself preparing for the graduating essay, it was so hard and complicated, that I spend most of my days in the Internet searching for various information, and meet our tutor weekly for progress review and better suggestion from him. By the way, my tutor is very handsome man, looks very like Wang Lihong, Er, that gets much admiration from other classmates.


6 months later, now, I have graduated and worked in a company for 3 months, just recall the days in university, suddenly feel that how different the life is in school and company!


The first difference is my role and my life status. The past 3 months in our company, I thought everyday is a battle for me , and it begins when I open the outlook mail system, when I pick up the ringing phone. During the office hour, I am overwhelmed by various stuffs, clients mail or phone me, make a list to me which I need to reply them within the day, engineers ask me whether our clients confirm their projects or not. For me, the essential role is the bridge between our factory and clients, ensure us free communication. It seems very easy, but when into the concrete details, everything is a challenge. For example, (our major products are small appliances), one of the clients ask if we can decrease the rpm of the motor. What is rpm? Why they need to decrease it? I know nothing about it, and when consult it to our motor engineer, he said yes, and offer a solution , but his answer makes me confused. How to make our clients accept the solution if I don't understand it, can't explain it clearly to them?


Now here is my situation for all the past 3 months: on on hand, I don't know what our clients need, on the other hand, I don't understand what our engineers mean, because they usually talk about very professional items.


Another difference is, which I foud that in work, no one will pay attention to process now, especially our leader, (s)he just focus on the result, when a day is ending , you felt exhausted for solving plies of trivial problems, (s)he will still ask what have you done today? Why so few mails? Finish or not, is the only criterion. But in school, we can get "progress award" for our endeavour.


Time flies when we didn't realize it,we can't foresee what our life will be, as I can't imagine what I do now 6 months ago.


Just cherish.

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