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  • S_Xlove published a new blog 10-25 23:30
    Self-employ staff---hard experience
    It's been near a whole month since I was back home from South of china .As before,I am out of job . I don't want to just idle away my time without a ...
  • S_Xlove uploaded new images 1-14 17:46
    beside lake
  • S_Xlove uploaded new images 1-14 17:45
    a good day
  • shared a blog(2011-12-18 19:55)
    Travel with Wings
           Inspired by Mr. Rich’s comment on my last blog, I decided to write something about travelling.
  • shared a blog(2011-10-26 20:26)
    Good evening my fellow netizens. This is 异物 here on DioEnglish. Tonight, I want to flush your ears with a song named Cocoon by Jack Johnson. I th
    like the music
  • shared a blog(2011-10-14 19:23)
    The Crazy Ones [疯子们]
    Sorry for posting advertisement. I just can't help it. It is an old  TV commercial  from Apple Inc. And it is I think the adver
    share to my blog

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  • what a boring day !  sleep , eatting ,sleep , eatting ..... oh .....thinks godness , there is internet . , I am here .  Again ....  Reply
  • Everyone's life is differet. what I can do is make my life more happier. bring happiness to my loved ones. Reply
  • Wanna cry ....don't know why . wake up from taking a nap , made a short dream which seems real but made me sad. overwhelmingly insecurity take up my mind.I am so sad !!! Reply
  • tiring ............ Reply
  • out of mood. wanna say something, but they couldn't be conveyed by words at all. Reply
Self-employ staff---hard experience 2013-10-25
        It's been near a whole month since I was back home from South of china .As before,I am out of job . I don' ...
(1048) Views|(5) Replies
Cool weather 2013-03-14
           When people in south are enjoying bright sunshine and warm spring ,northern people are s ...
(938) Views|(1) Replies
2012.7.9 2012-07-09
  I have a work finally .It's been almostly a half year that I was out of work .Staying at home everyday was a  relax but bored thing .So , ...
(1090) Views|(1) Replies
2012.5.27 2012-05-27
     Recently ,I am busying with my taobao shop ,which costs much of my time .I know you paid ,you would gain in one day . so ,I nev ...
(1064) Views|(3) Replies
2012.5.11 2012-05-11
     I have no idea since when I begin to play QQ farm ,while it indeed helps me kill much time .I am out of job almostly for thr ...
(956) Views|(0) Replies

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loong 2012-12-20 15:28
Perfect stories.
BouneXiao 2011-12-31 23:48
Happy new year! Be cool!
touringchina 2011-12-16 16:28
here we go
yaping 2011-11-17 13:55
S_Xlove: Glad to know you ..hehe ...yeah,it's a heavy snow .keep warm .
U too~
yaping 2011-11-13 12:15
I am in Jilin too~ A heavy snow~
IMNONARCISSUS 2011-10-18 20:19
S_Xlove: hi...nice to  meet you !
Nice to meet  u ,too.  _
S_Xlove 2011-10-13 20:32
we are in the same city ?
yaping 2011-10-13 19:30
Wow~  Jilin?
littlegrass 2011-10-9 10:13
So nice to be friends, and have a gooooood day!
windy_liu 2011-10-8 14:51
me too
snowflying 2011-10-5 20:39
nice to meet you,my friend.
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