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Shares Impossible Challenge
2015-10-23 14:52
Impossible Challenge
& ...
Individual Classification: Mood|595 views|6 replies Hot 3
Shares Journey to Tibet
2015-10-2 14:45
Due to some reasons, I make up my mind to take a trip to Tibet. I should calm myself down, the only way is to go into the nature. The deep blue sky without any impurity, the enormous, pure white,which seems like a spun sugar, cloud, the warm of the sun are ...
Individual Classification: Mood|611 views|10 replies Hot 4
Shares To Teachers
2015-9-10 18:08
I just created a poem, though seems childish, I would like to share with you all: 蹉跎岁月如抽丝,三尺讲台话风云。 黑发积霜聚日月,无悔青春化宏图。 蚕丝吐尽人不老,烛泪成灰谱新章。 播种桃李千万圃,硕果累累誉神州。 Time changes everything littlt by little just like re ...
Individual Classification: Mood|717 views|7 replies Hot 4
Shares The Echo
2015-9-9 08:27
A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, the son falls, hurts himself and screams, "AAAhhhh!!!"To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain," AAAhhhh!!!" Curious, he yells," Who are you?" He receives the answer,"Who are you?" Angered at t ...
Individual Classification: Mood|602 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares Dare not say dream, cannot coming true either
2015-9-7 21:39
Too often, I am in daze recently. I don’t know what on earth I am thinking, only know that I feel very tired. In fact it seems that I am doing nothing except thinking too much, when I wake up in the early morning, I couln’t remember anything, and I would like stay in bed a little bit l ...
Individual Classification: Mood|609 views|6 replies Hot 3
Shares An interesting story
2015-9-1 11:59
The story is true, and happen in one of my friends family. When I heard this from her, I cannot help laughing till my eyes full of tears. Now I would like share it with you all. She is my old classmates from primary school ...
Individual Classification: Mood|624 views|6 replies Hot 2
Shares Where the Wind Settles
2015-8-30 18:28
Where the Wind Settles
ThismovieisonthebackgroundofChineserevolution1949.ButontheviewofsoldiersoftheKuomintang.Thisisalittle ...
677 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares Scrambled Egg with Leek
2015-8-28 14:44
After a long walk, I feel very hungry, I want to eat something deadly. I don’t prepare any vegetables, I would like dine out instead of buying some vegetables and cook some dishes at home. I step into a small restaurant. The mis ...
Individual Classification: Mood|650 views|7 replies Hot 2
Shares I like for you to be still
2015-8-26 22:11
Ilikeforyoutobestill , itisasthoughyouwereabsent, andyouhearmefromfaraway,andmyvoicedoesnottouchyou. Itse ...
Individual Classification: Mood|520 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares The Talks between Me and Grass
2015-8-23 17:59
Ioftenseesomeunknowngrassesbesidesthecliffsandvalleys,oratthefootofmountains.Theyareshadowinshape,butverygreen.Theylivestubbornly& ...
Individual Classification: Mood|627 views|4 replies Hot 2

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