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"sack brothers" of publicwelffare became populer

674 views. 2011-12-2 22:36 |

people's daily news, A group sophmore students,who from bio-technology of Yangzhou University ,under the monitor'call,they carrying sacks to collect and sell junk to finance the tibetan yonger students in weekend.they were called "sack brothers" by
netizens.Monitoe,chensheng said, At the begining ,public welfare was not working very well .The main pressure came from the surrounding people' strange eyes ,but  in later,they were  accustomed to it,so they do not have to care about other people'eyes. At present ,they are preparing for establishing the "sack mobile station" and "sack fund", in order to attracting more people to take part in them.
Carrying sacks collection and selling junk
Carrying sacks collection and selling junk

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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