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  • Long time no see my english log. Reply
  • New semester,new start. Reply
  • The last class is over in this term,the winter vacation almost coming,I'm very happy. Reply
  • Today,my roomie have a birthday party.happy birthday to him. Reply
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English Four Levels of Tests 2011-12-17
Today,I took part in the English Four Levels of Tests.This is the second time I take part in the English Four Levels of Tests.I hope I can past the t ...
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This is my first Blog article. 2011-12-16
Nowadays,many people have their own Blogs.They write articles and share experiences in their Blogs.I find it is very interesting,so today I reg ...
(1220) Views|(14) Replies

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linda@crab 2012-1-4 13:19
hi, happy new year!
BouneXiao 2011-12-31 23:46
Happy new year! Be cool!
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