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  • This day I don't want to spend more time surfing Internet. Just few minutes for English radio then go to sleep. Reply
  • There are more and more English lover in China. Even though this time is good for sleep , I can find new blog is being publish. all of you are great one. Reply
  • This is the first day of the new year. It is a great harvest to know this website . Until now I have published 10 pieces blog. I will publish 3 pieces a week in the year2012. Please trust me , I can. Reply
  • i am decide to correct my introduction on my blog to show my sincere. Reply
  • hello , have a drink please Reply
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Come Back 2012-02-26
Hi, my friends I am coming ! I spent 1 hour to vist all my friends 's home on Dioenglish. I didn't appear since 1-2-2012 . I didn't read ,wr ...
(664) Views|(2) Replies
To my firends 2012-01-06
I will be on the way to my hometown tomorrow. This is a small county , terrible roads , and the people are living under poverty . There are a few ...
(979) Views|(3) Replies
A railway ticket 2012-01-02
There are no products like ticket for train ride in China, for which you need more time and energey to buy. There are different wa ...
(770) Views|(3) Replies
I want to have the cake and eat it too. 2012-01-01
  This is the first day of the year 2012. Opposite with you I stay in my office now. This kind of job is boring much. However, I have n ...
(895) Views|(5) Replies
How to share our spare time 2011-12-31
Yesterday a friend visited me after supper. She was very surprised when she saw me were browsing an English story book. She expressed she doesn’ ...
(760) Views|(3) Replies

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JMZ 2012-1-3 15:47
Hi~~ my friends~~
Quncy 2012-1-3 08:11
nice to meet you.thank you for your blessing. best wishes for new year.
xixifighting 2012-1-2 07:39
Hi and i did not suffer the internet yesterday
and i spend the the first day of the new year with my family
anyway wish you a happy day  and happy new year
bluephoebe 2011-12-30 16:28
From a few blogs you left here, I see sparks of intelligence, endurance, and strong determinations. In the coming new year, wish you happy and all the dreams come true!
huaqinpan 2011-12-19 02:51
sammyyvone: perhaps you are the new one on this blog same as me ,  i left comment to encourage you and show my sincere to you . do appreciate if you always visit
yep,I just register this blog as you, I deeply appreciate your encouragement and hope to intercommunicate frequently
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