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( 12082 ) Visits

  • christmas is coming on the corner... Reply
  • Just back again... Reply
  • i can't stand the speed of network.It takes a few minutes to buffer the website. Reply
  • Long time not to see you ,DioEnglish Reply
  • network is normal at last Reply
  • Real Namedanyduan
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday
  • Residence广东 深圳
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Demonstration 2012-08-20
It was an amazing news that about five million of people had a march in Shenzhen yesterday. But I just got the information from my colleague in ...
(1117) Views|(6) Replies
I hope that 2012-08-13
I hope that  i can insist on studying english half an hour or one hour every day. I hope that  i can master my work ASAP and achieve ...
(1620) Views|(12) Replies
New work new life 2012-08-05
         As my last blog have wrote, now I have a new work and it have started about two months. A ne ...
(1559) Views|(24) Replies
Make a change 2012-08-05
       It had been a long time not to write something on my blog since I quitted my last job and went to a new com ...
(1245) Views|(15) Replies
How important the smile is! 2012-05-31
As we grow up day by day, the smile on our faces is become less and less. Last Saturday, I went to Hk to go shopping and visit some place ...
(1176) Views|(9) Replies

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snowflying 2012-8-3 21:58
danyduan: I have a long time not to surf online since i change my job.Today i find you are not here a period of time.Missing you! Sorry ,i click it but i do not
same with me. i havn't visit here for a long time too. wish your life happy and sweet.dear girl
yuanxiu 2012-3-21 17:05
danyduan: How cute your avatar is!
yuanxiu 2012-3-21 12:26
danyduan: How cute your avatar is!
Yes,I think we all must be childish and happy everyday.
yuanxiu 2012-3-21 12:20
danyduan: How cute your avatar is!
I come here recently .I don't it clearly.
possible 2012-1-2 22:47
hi,nice to meet you
BouneXiao 2011-12-31 23:52
Happy new year! Be cool!
smile22 2011-12-30 09:04
danyduan:   Nice to meet you! Let's study and communicate views together.
smile22 2011-12-29 14:43
Hello, I am willing to become friends with you, nice to meet you.
danyduan 2011-12-23 10:25
yes thank you
Night-Wolf 2011-12-23 08:38
Never late for good start!
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