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( 20371 ) Visits

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  • I am confused those days, And unhappy those days,And now I need calm down and find the solutions for my bad emotions and my life. Reply
  • Be back, Be ready for the new life. Reply
  • Be back, Be back.. Reply
  • back  back... Reply
  • Try to be more good!  Reply
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1987 - 8 - 26
  • Blood TypeAB

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  • mei2011 published a new blog 11-18 10:27
    Time flies.
    Long time no see, Both sennior junior and university fclassmates. Long time no see, My friends there and here. Long time no see, My teachers in schoo ...
  • mei2011 published a new blog 12-2 14:27
    10 years later
    What will happen after ten years? Will you still the same life like now you are in? What do you want to own after ten years later? Just this simple q ...
  • mei2011 published a new blog 10-31 15:56
    My life now.
    What a boring life maybe I should describe the life with this word.Or maybe it is right. Actually, to say boring, it is my fault to lead my life like ...
  • mei2011 published a new blog 8-14 14:45
    Experience for learning to drive(学车经历)
    Nowadays, when it is on weekend, I will go to the driving school.If I have booked the training courses on the internet in advance, But actually the bo ...
  • mei2011 published a new blog 8-11 16:47
    Middle of August(八月中旬)
    Haven't write for almost half month or longer than that,but almost near half month. Date today is August 11th, time now is 4pm. For those days, I am ...

To outstrip of authority

Time flies. 2015-11-18
Long time no see, Both sennior &junior and university fclassmates. Long time no see, My friends there and here. Long time no see, My teachers in scho ...
(960) Views|(5) Replies
10 years later 2014-12-02
What will happen after ten years? Will you still the same life like now you are in? What do you want to own after ten years later? Just this simple q ...
(1111) Views|(13) Replies
My life now. 2014-10-31
What a boring life maybe I should describe the life with this word.Or maybe it is right. Actually, to say boring, it is my fault to lead my life like ...
(1105) Views|(11) Replies
Experience for learning to drive(学车经历) 2014-08-14
Nowadays, when it is on weekend, I will  go to the driving school.If I have booked the training courses on the internet in advance, But actually ...
(1135) Views|(7) Replies

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snowflying 2012-2-27 20:01
oh? girl, changed your avatar here?? a new one..
taho4012 2012-2-9 16:01
mei2011: Glad to be your friend in DioEnglish ...
Me too, keep writing, keep going.
Malahk 2012-1-2 22:14
happy new year...
BouneXiao 2011-12-31 23:54
Happy new year! Be cool!
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