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( 6733 ) Visits

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  •   I'm back, still working hard and dreaming big~ Reply
  • Work hard. Dream big. Reply
  • No joy without annoy. Reply
  • Being nice to someone you dislike doesn’t mean you’re a fake. It means you’re mature enough to tolerate your dislike towards them. Reply
  • Learn to fail first, or one will fail to learn. Reply
  • Real Namepossimpoble
  • GenderFemale
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  • Residence海外 法国
  • Blood TypeB

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  • monkid published a new blog 1-16 01:14
    Answer to my blog two years ago ;)
    I haven't been here for more than two years.Guilty!! I'm still the person with deadly procrastination and lack of decisiveness (shame on me!!), but no ...
Answer to my blog two years ago ;) 2015-01-16
I haven't been here for more than two years.Guilty!! I'm still the person with deadly procrastination and lack of decisiveness (shame on me!!), but no ...
(732) Views|(8) Replies
To myself one year later. 2012-12-07
As an indecisive person, I am driving crazy by the question that which road I should take. I hesitated so much that i have missed the chanc ...
(940) Views|(10) Replies
Chase your dream because of a secret. 2012-06-14
     I am a person who always holds a skeptical attitude towards his abilily. I don't think I have the ability to get a high sco ...
(1050) Views|(6) Replies
Mid-term exam is coming... 2012-04-26
Time always elapses silently without our consciousness , and the mid-term exam for my junior year in college arrives just like a thun ...
(1070) Views|(13) Replies
The happiness of majority & The unhappiness of the minority 2012-04-18
The happiness of the majority is based on the unhappiness of the minority.   I have known this sentence for many years, but I ne ...
(1036) Views|(1) Replies

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Xtasy 2012-4-21 20:18
Haven't seen you for a while... Where have you been?
Xtasy 2012-4-19 16:00
Long time no see! Where have you been?
Xtasy 2012-2-13 22:31
I'm sorry. I thought we were due to meet at 20:00 on Saturday. But you didn't show up then. And these days I began to prepare for my paper and I'm really sorry to say that I have to pass our appointment. I'm terribly sorry for not keeping my word. And best wishes to you.
Xtasy 2012-1-29 21:14
I thought you were a girl?!
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