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To myself one year later.

940 views. 2012-12-7 17:43 |

As an indecisive person, I am driving crazy by the question that which road I should take. I hesitated so much that i have missed the chance to make me a decided person, that is, I didn't apply for any school this year. As a result, I can only apply for schools next year. Although I really want to go abroad, my elder sister concerned that if I went abroad, I would miss some good opportunities in China because she thought that after all, the reason I went abroad was to find a good job in the future. I can say nothing to refute her. I am tortured by my indecision now.
Actually, I don't just want to get a master degree which may help me find a good job; what i want at the same time is the fantastic and unimaginable experience abroad, which undefinitely will make me stronger and braver.
Just at the same time next year, where will I be ?  Working at a company in China or holding my offer for an US university?
I'm waiting to see ...
Sometimes, hesitation or indecision is really fatal for a person. I hate it but I cannot fend off it.
Damn it!

Post comment Comment (10 replies)

Reply cestlavie 2012-12-7 18:13
A tough decision to make. But in my opinion, i would rather go abroad. Since that if we miss the chance, we'll never have the opportunity in future. You could experience a lot abord, but if you stay in china, such thing wont be happen.
Reply cestlavie 2012-12-7 18:15
My elder sister moved to NZ last year, and we all support her will.
Reply monkid 2012-12-7 18:44
cestlavie: My elder sister moved to NZ last year, and we all support her will.
Isn't that support mixed with happiness and sadness simultaneously?

I don't want to hurt her because she thinks that I'm really capricious and that I'm not rational enough to make such a decision.

I will talk with her heartly sometime.
Reply monkid 2012-12-7 18:48
cestlavie: A tough decision to make. But in my opinion, i would rather go abroad. Since that if we miss the chance, we'll never have the opportunity in future. Y
Totally agree with you~
Even if when I come back, it is still hard to find a good job, at least I'm young and I still have opportunity; however, if I choose to work first, then it will be too late for me to regret at that time, because I'm too old to make an ambitious decision .
Reply cestlavie 2012-12-8 09:21
monkid: Totally agree with you~
Even if when I come back, it is still hard to find a good job, at least I'm young and I still have opportunity; however, if I
yes, so you have a final decision?
Reply Tange 2012-12-8 12:17
any decision is worth to be try ... Good luck
Reply warmjaney 2012-12-8 15:33
Listening to your inner heart, it's common that get sth, in the meantime, maybe lose sth, it's so called fish & bear can't be got in one time to some extent;You should make the balance better, anyway, you are young to have the experience, it's the big capacity.
Reply monkid 2012-12-11 21:28
warmjaney: Listening to your inner heart, it's common that get sth, in the meantime, maybe lose sth, it's so called fish & bear can't be got in one time to s
Yeah, I don't think I should give myself the chance to regret in the future when I am thirty or fourty.
Reply monkid 2012-12-11 21:29
Tange: any decision is worth to be try ... Good luck
Thx, I'll try my best.
Reply monkid 2012-12-11 21:30
cestlavie: yes, so you have a final decision?
Make going abroad my priority is my final decision.
Hope I can have a good ending ~

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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