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( 15293 ) Visits

  • Monday Reply
  • hookup work was put off until tomorrow... Reply
  • Basketb-a-l-l!..... Reply
  • A day got finished. Reply
  • I was told I will accept a price in the meeting this afternoon. Reply
  • Real Namesunying
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1980 - 7 - 7
  • Birthplace吉林省 长春市 朝阳区 乐山镇
  • Residence山东省 烟台市
  • Schoolccut
  • EducationBachelor
  • CompanyLGITYT
  • OccupationEngineer
  • PositionEngineer
  • RelationshipMarried
  • Finding ...English
  • Blood TypeO
  • QQQQ
  • Website
  • IntroductionWhy always me!
  • Hobbysport

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  • lgityt published a new blog 2-6 10:26
    A new year's resolution
    I called some of my classmates to pay a new year call. I asked them howthe last year of theirwas and what the new year's resolutions in their mind a ...
  • lgityt published a new blog 8-2 11:11
    Heat wave in China.
    In the port city Ningbo of Zhejiang province,glass have cracked in the heat,vehicles have self-combusted,a highway bilboard caught fire by itself,sen ...
  • lgityt published a new blog 6-19 16:55
    Life ,is just a cup of COFFEE.
    Group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. The conversation soon turned into complai ...
  • lgityt published a new blog 6-19 11:15
    Three old guys will hit the title again?
    The last quarter,go ahead or go home....
  • lgityt published a new blog 6-8 14:26
    Parking spaces for sale
    Parking spaces whichwere free a few days ago are saled by property management today.And few of parking spaces were set a lock.I heard the price from ...
A new year's resolution 2014-02-06
   I called some of my  classmates to pay a new year call. I asked them how  the last year of their was and what the ne ...
(988) Views|(2) Replies
2012 Broke Climate Records, New Report Says 2013-08-07
2012 was a year of climate records, from temperatures to ice melt to sea level rise, a newly released report on the state of the global climate says. ...
(1151) Views|(1) Replies
Heat wave in China. 2013-08-02
In the port city  Ningbo of Zhejiang province,glass have cracked in the heat,vehicles have self-combusted,a highway bilboard caught fire by itse ...
(1174) Views|(6) Replies
Life ,is just a cup of COFFEE. 2013-06-19
Group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. The conversation soon turned into complai ...
(1246) Views|(6) Replies
Three old guys will hit the title again? 2013-06-19
The last quarter,go ahead or go home....
(1181) Views|(2) Replies

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derrickzhou 2012-6-21 16:26
Kimi011812 2012-6-19 09:41
lgityt: en.I am planing a new plant for camera product with a friend who comes from Korea. I am too busy to write things happened in these daysin here.
Wow, camera products, u might need to invest lots of money, wish u'll win back much much more than u invest. And I guess one day if I need a camera, I might be one of ur customers of ur camera shop
Kimi011812 2012-6-18 09:42
Hey, Lgityt, it's a long time since u update a new blog
yaping 2012-3-2 09:21
lgityt 2012-2-8 15:00
hi .glad to see you here...
linda@crab 2012-2-8 14:19
hi, nice to meet u!
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