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everybody love crystal ho 3

725 views. 2014-4-20 23:56 | crystal

hi, crystal ho,hi again!

hi loong

hi loong

hi  lastly i get echo from your two , hi nice Julia and Crystal ho, forget your tedious long name, i call you ho, or hoho simply

OMG, if people i like to talk, he or she can call me hoho.

oops, i am people out of your box

oh, sir  take easy, i like joking.

hi dear loong, what are yo doing now, dating with charming girls?

oh boundary, boundary, you are kidding me, julia, one is enough, why you say girl-S. i hate S after each of nouns, too much, too annoy.

so ended

ya  ended, i am exhausted

ended too soon, all right, i just think you play flash mob

dating, whoa

ho, whassup?

surprisingly, you know, you made dozen of breakthrough i hardly imagine

no no, not to break up , i need rest for a while

ok, i am dizzy

were you high? i guess

nope, i am tired now

go back sleeping babe, this bored weekend 

i wanna do so, but i cant now

you have impulsive syndrome, poor sweetie

.................... speechless, wordless, cuz of recklessness

julia, and hoho, i recently write a comedy for ours familiy, i wanna show reader how harmony is my family

show me

you are talent

it is in my blog net

i have no blog, you mean facebook

i need attracting many readers, last night, i uploaded my script, over 1600 ppl were reading, epoch-making!!!

wow, no wonder, i receive many sucky mails. so bored and fu8king replying.

oops julia, show your respect, loong step closer to his dream  

ok, show it here

it is loong long story, i make ours family vivid under my pen.and i name my comedy: Everyone love HOHO.

so what, bored name, even no innovative  , you know what, it is same with Everyone love raymond.

listen up, 

yeah, if i stand here to listen up your pointless statement, i would rather take some lollipop. ok, also, you can send email to me, i pretend to watch over, and pretend to give some comments, oh jesus, how can i do such a stupid thing to disobey my heart.

indeed here is a lovely family

you can share it, you already tell out, come on

good thing, need to be shared

till this night, ok

we are the loyal readers.

we are expecting longing for

for piece of your masterpiece

ok, for my loyal reader, i unveil a little

omg, you are kind, nice

pay attention firstly. here's name isnt real name of ours family. listen: 
       Julia say: hey hey, who you are, why you always follow me, i hate you even your dog. 

       a man say: julia pls forgive me, this is my fault.

       julia say :your fault, haha? you married, but i know this just now, who am i, your abandoned toy, gotcha, gotcha, bastard.

      a  man say: you know i need woman, without them, i cant survive.

     julia say:oops, stop sucky words, i have bright future, you have bright hell to die.

    then, man say: huh, no Julia, no Fun.

   this is all, period.

i am crying

julia, julia you give me suggestion, how abt that?

you kill me first

yeah, really NO JULIA NO FUN

that is not a comedy, its a bad bad story, a bad julia

i told you, here s julia isnt real julia

ok, ok

what to say, like Romeo proposed to Julliet or soliciting.

sorry sorry here s julia is a bypass.

but but i dont know what suggestion i can give you

ok it it was my temporarily workout.

No romeo, no julliet

ok, my episode is as follow: albert and uncle snail is two kind and aged ppl, hoho is daughter, julia is hoho s sister, julia s bf is keli , ed is worker.

how abt u, loong, where r u?

yeah, suddenly disappearing isnt good affair, to such a wonderful family

then. ed wanna make gf with hoho, hoho loves daniel, but daniel married. 

daniel, poor stranger had to suffer.

i, ya, i am your families neighbor.

if so, uncle had to suffer. 

i thought maybe you are knight of HOHO.

i am a person which make hardier time with your guys, 

that better

surely, a comedy has main person, also with another related person come on in the future, it just a story

All i can say is, you are genius.

pfff, just hold on.


what i wanna show, is basical human emotion. love friendship, encouragement and understanding.

oh, i?

one more thing

keli in my drama once loved man, he was a gay

what??????pls, you ll hurt my feeling

uncle snail is old, and silent navy.

oh my god,

my story, everyone love hoho

i was totally defeated by respectful loooooooong.

in my script, since keli met julia, keli think it is a big mistake to love a man, julia is keli s goddess.

hey, hoho, as a sister, we have right to kill loong, i have heart attack

and uncle snail is sleeping, if he listen up your bragging, he may float.

loong is storytelling, eventually.

yeah, beat up him haha

according to yours characteristics, i made those protagonists.

characteristics, like what? i wanna kill u 4 thousands times.

what you like, what you do, what you talk, what you eat, is just a story, i can correct name, julia is sophia, albert is einstain .


everyone has shortcoming, then it is thing to attract ours reader.

fine, as long as you love, whatever.anyway, i havent blognet, i will not read this.

what do u like, bragging. bragging like you are richer, white, beautiful and intelligentist. 

whatever, i said, are you blind? i dont mind, it is ur showtime

ok ok, actually, i only wanna prefer tell truth instead lie.

yeah, good boy,

it is so hard, face this family, i play bragging here only, i wanna tell readers no matter how a small family is, it still is a cozy harbour, its great.

this is true, general is perfect, it is a happy paradise here.

OK, great director, we are your supporting power

actually, needless to brag, to attract ones eyes, enough with truth,

you are one of ours membership

ya, no loong, no fun, 

what i expected in my script only imagination.i just convey the mind that what is the core of a harmony family.

everyone here is important.

a kind of spirit make ours love and hope prosper and eternal

great family, lovely everyone



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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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