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  • I am preparing for an exam, so i didn't come here wrote something recent days. All in all,i have a lots of feelings and quite confusion, while i don't know where to start Reply
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Working very hard 2012-05-22
     A martial arts(武术) student went to his teacher and said earnestly,"I am devoted to studying your martial system, how long ...
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How to plan the time? 2012-04-27
  Somebody said that we should live a happy life and there is no need to worry about what is going to happen, but is this correct? I t ...
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Thanks 2012-04-10
      I haven't been here for a long time, so I'm surprised  when i just opened this web page and found the&n ...
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summary 2012-03-30
  Time goes by so quickly, March is coming to the end, I think I should make a summary for this period. Today is already the March 30, ...
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kevin2012 2012-9-21 20:37
Hi , welcome,my friend !
linda@crab 2012-5-4 11:07
loong 2012-4-27 16:40
Hi.  Dainty girl.
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