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Feeling after spring festival

Hot 21527 views. 2014-2-19 11:18

Yes, the spring festival has past one more week. I am so missing the days in the hometown together with family. This spring festival is the first spring festival that my husband spent with my family. Because he is a southern and I am a northern, and my hometown is far away from his hometown. So we promise with each that we will spend spring festival with each family every other year. If we spend with his family, my family will feel lonely and quiet. It’s the truth we should face to.


During the spring festival, there was a heavy snow in my hometown. My husband is so exciting that he strip his coat to feel how cold it is. Even more, he wanted to lie on snow without coat, but I stop him. This is the first time he saw so heavy snow. It snowed three days, that three days we should help my parents cleaning the snow of courtyard housetop. We played snowballs and skiing while cleaning snow.


The time is always fast while spending with family. After nine days holiday, we should go back and work. Once we will leave, my parents are so reluctant. Also I am reluctant to leave. Mom is sweeping tears when we just in the car.


For the parents, they want to be together with their sons and daughters, and they don’t want to leave the hometown to live in a strange city. It’s so contradictory for us to resolve the current situation.

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Reply Candy.liu 2014-2-19 17:01
There is so much difference from South to North. I think that the most obvious difference is North being much colder than South.
I have not seen the snow up to now. I can't imagine the beauty of snow, but i think it will be nice.
Reply sunnyv 2014-2-19 19:01
Nice to know that you had a good time back in hometown during the Spring Festival. I am also born in South China so I can call your husband my friend. Hi buddy! haha... nice.

Yes, elderly parents would certainly like to be beside their sons and daughters but, the needs and realities of life force us to live afar. Life cannot be so perfect that everything meets our wishes. Bear it for the sake of everyone. However, if your parents knows that you are living a good and happy life, they would be relieved. Keep in constant contract with them to offset their anxieties.
Reply beth 2014-2-20 10:02
Candy.liu: There is so much difference from South to North. I think that the most obvious difference is North being much colder than South.
I have not seen the s ...
During the spring festival the temperature in my hometown is about below eight to one degree centigrade. Yeah, you will feel much colder in north than in south in the night, and during the daytime the temperature is almost same. snow will make everything white, the scenery is very beautiful. You could have a travel to neareast north. I think you will enjoy it.
Reply beth 2014-2-20 10:12
sunnyv: Nice to know that you had a good time back in hometown during the Spring Festival. I am also born in South China so I can call your husband my friend. ...
Yes, I am always keeping at least two calls every week. Every time we talk about one hour to share something in our life. and my biggest wishes is my parents good health.
Reply Candy.liu 2014-2-20 21:11
beth: During the spring festival the temperature in my hometown is about below eight to one degree centigrade. Yeah, you will feel much colder in north than ...
   I looking forward to traveling to Beijing. I hope it will come true as soon as possible.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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