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( 21731 ) Visits

  • Points: 141
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  • Why there are fewer and fewer people here ?  Reply
  • Great minds think alike~ Reply
  • busy . morning~ Reply
  • where are u ? my fellow man?!!! Reply
  • i appreciate all ur attention and the only thing for me is to share more feelings with u@everybody Reply
  • Real NameVeronica
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1992 - 12 - 8
  • Birthplace江苏 南京
  • Residence江苏 苏州
  • Blood TypeO
  • QQQQ

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  • Sophina published a new blog 5-4 22:41
    Food Safety ---An bite of our campus(舌尖上的校园)
    Although enormous efforts have been made in terms of our campus living conditions, no one has failed to notice the fact that the army of the un ...
  • Sophina published a new blog 4-26 00:04
    An Apology to Myself
    Even i have promised to myself that i should be brave and optimistic to accept the sufferrings that the life has thrown to me. But this time, i crie ...
  • Sophina published a new blog 4-24 23:43
    Be a sunflower always with smile
    Although I can hardlly remember who has told me that if you always smile to the sun, she will give you an extra handful of sunlight. The other day, ...
Food Safety ---An bite of our campus(舌尖上的校园) 2013-05-04
Although enormous efforts have been made in terms of our campus living conditions, no one has failed to notice the fact that  the army of ...
(1573) Views|(3) Replies
An Apology to Myself 2013-04-26
Even i have promised to myself that i should be brave and optimistic to accept the sufferrings that the life has thrown to me. But this time, i crie ...
(1291) Views|(2) Replies
Be a sunflower always with smile 2013-04-24
Although I can hardlly remember who has told me that if you always smile to the sun, she will give you an extra handful of sunlight. The other day, ...
(1377) Views|(4) Replies
No Pains No Gains 2013-04-09
How strong are you? 你有多强大? That is a tough question to answer, whether you are a man or a woman. 不管你是男人还是女人,这都是个很难回答的 ...
(1176) Views|(1) Replies
Say Goodbye to my dear Mr. English or not (1) 2013-04-08
Today is not "good" for me, i do not know how to describe my mood at this moment and either what i have to face tomorrow. I consider tomorrow as a t ...
(1485) Views|(4) Replies

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surezk 2012-6-18 13:57
There is a long time you didn't write anything.:) how are you recently?
kevin2012 2012-6-16 22:28
Sophina: haha~just believe you can make it!
You are so modest !
surezk 2012-6-8 16:54
Today you have made so many friends..hahah..
kevin2012 2012-6-5 23:19
Sophina: there is also long way to go~we can help each other~
Please more advise !
kevin2012 2012-6-5 23:18
Sophina: there is also long way to go~we can help each other~
Please more advise !
kevin2012 2012-5-29 22:09
Your english was so good . Envy.......
liangliqing 2012-4-11 23:55
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