It was a normal evening during my vacation, except a spontaneous impulse to clean our apartment. My wife would clean the floor with bloom, I, moping with mop in the following. living room first, dinning room the next, bedrooms the last. The work was started and going on smoothly, while my wife and I were chatting various topics of both importance and minors, both were in pleasant mood and the work continued to the bedrooms. An abrupt and loud cry pierce the space of our apartment, it came from my daughter who was playing in the living room. My wife, startled, threw away the tool, rushing to the place of occurrence, all were accomplished within a fraction of second while dumb me was staying right at the spot with mop in hand. A yell from my wife indicated the seriousness of the situation, I rushed to the scene, daughter in the arm of my wife, a full cup of tea fell on my Macbook on my desk, empty and dripping, I lifted my poor laptop, water came out from every hole of it, a sudden horror and anger seized me, my proud precious laptop which was newly bought, costing me a fortune, now was drowned with water and dead, I could lose all the files and the device itself. My wife was cuddling and checking if there was any damage to the hand of our daughter. I shouted to my wife to bring the hair blower while cursing and blaming. My daughter ceased cry and her little face was eloquent of fear and concern. All the following of the night, I were busy in draining and blowing of the poor device, never gave a thought that the hot water from the fallen cup might do some damage to my daughter, who should be ever and ever more precious to me than a laptop under usual circumstance.
I recalled this incident with qualms of conscience, with all the talk of love and devotion, a small incidence revealed to the contrary. In contrast, my wife’s response proved her total devotion and pure conscience. Was the difference in reaction to the incidence between me and my wife the universal one as between mother and father, or is it just an isolated case which indicated the nasty side of my subconscious mind? Still I am hopeful that I would react differently to a situation of similar nature in the future. --- A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!
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