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xi'an2 2009-07-13
Xi'an was called Chang'an in Han Dynasty. The connotation of "Chang'an" is "a place of permanent peace". It was not until the prosperous Tang Dynasty ...
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xi'an1 2009-07-13
Xi'an is the capital of Shanxi province in China and a sub-provincial city. As one of the most important cities in Chinese history, Xi'an is one of t ...
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Wolf Totem 2009-07-12
'Wolf Totem' can hardly be called a novel, but rather a dedicated piece of research, in this case, research devoted to all that is Mongolian, wi ...
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I want to find a introduce for the book 2009-07-12
I want to find a introduce about the book(甘露与净瓶的对话) in English , I have looked for it from baidu ,but I can't find nothing .An ...
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The history of badminton 2009-07-08
       14 to 15 century In Japan , the battledore was woody and the badminton(ball) was made of cherry stone with a feath ...
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door20 2009-7-22 23:09
Can I ask you for a help??
Could you leave some commets after my several blogs??I need these comments.
Thank you very much..
nanaxue 2009-5-15 09:18
DanielSun: Welcome ! hehe
liujia4610 2009-5-13 11:10
haha!we are all from chuangchun!Very glad to meet you!
catnfish 2009-5-7 10:56
thanks thanks for the wishes:) you're a nice one with tender care for stressing ni men there :) ha have a great day
catnfish 2009-5-5 20:26
hi hi Daniel, how's the day going?~
I'd like to ask a favor if you dont mind coming and writing something down on my blog (urgent call) I would be really appreciated !!!
have a great night there!!
thanks first of all!!!
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